Hearing on appeals in Noor murder case in first week of August

Court says appeals will be heard one by one as numerous appeals were filed

Our Correspondent June 29, 2022


A division bench of the Islamabad High Court comprising Justice Amir Farooq and Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir has directed the Registrar's Office to prepare paper books on appeals against the trial court's verdict in the Noor Muqqadam murder case. The court has also sought arguments from the parties in support of the appeals.

During the hearing held on Tuesday, the plaintiff, Shaukat Muqqadam, was represented by advocate Shah Khawar. Former diplomat Shaukat Muqaddam and the mother, the brother and other family members of the slain Noor Muqqadam also appeared.

Advocate Kamran Murtaza appeared for the accused Iftikhar and Jan Muhammad.

The court said that since various appeals were filed in the case, it would be examined one by one. The bench said that the first would be Zahr Jaffar's jail appeal in which the court has to appoint a public prosecutor. An associate lawyer who appeared before the court said that he had been told on the phone by advocate Usman Sharif Khosa that he would follow the case of Zahir Jaffer.

The court issued notice to the plaintiff and the state on the jail appeal of Zahir Jaffar and asked him to make paper books on first week of August.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 29th, 2022.


syedmerjhmed | 2 years ago | Reply 435345bn34s5k3ol 45oi3j453op5i34jp5i34j35 345435o6i34653465oi4joixj3po534s5j3iop43i6543jsp5o6i43j534i5j35i434sop6534ij4po65i345jok43n 345.4o3356345634563454o354353j5spo534.534653o4534j35soi5j3soi5jo3so4i563bs5.oj54i4opj653 b53i345op435i64j35s5 3o45i34j5 o43o5i3v o5345345634 53453i5j3oi5jbo424ij23o4.24i2j3432o.543j2i4o.32b5ij34okm5tk43.5 35345o345i34sj5o3is53s634sis5j56.3so5i63js6534 56345vmk335kom3456.3o45 345345634563465i3j4653i53js5po563456345634653s 53s5ijs3b53soi5j3sb.5o3ij5o.6o5p3i5j3 jop543534534543s5o3b563453b56o34j5b34p.53o34js53si5j3s5oi346o5m4bok434 .534534534563465345634o56345634j5si56jio553s63oi56j345.o345ij3s56356js3454o33io5i5bm3ok35.345 3 46543653465345ij3453456 34j56345634535345345345364568oi5bji5646o45ni7j6opi54j6.o456i4p5j645.6745ij67456745.i6nj45ip60054646546546546456456467545oid6jb4i6oij45o6i5m46o5.464 5 64565i4j645oin6j45p6o4646op4564i646 46o4645o6456546456498od4s6ij45o6.45ij654.6op5ij54n6456ij4.5p4i6j54.b645o6ji54645 65465465464564564564d6d5674576d7noidj5ioj6onij46.od4ji64don6.od4i5j645645 b6o4m54654 6.54654645o654654645 6456456466565obijdj4io5j66o45ijn6o4d.64d57ij64d5.n67456ij4564564645ij645o6 464564564564564564564566785oi6dsj46oi456.jin456o.45i6j456o4.64ij456ib46j4o6p6464564 6.464564564646464564564564779syedmerjhmed534534563653sp34534 65346534653s456s3564365435 435346543653465345357859syedmerjhmed543534p534 563k3sp5o3k45 4p3534564365345k43p5 4353v54354354353453453456465k3sop56kpo56ks6ps3ok653sp 6os3jk456 p4654ko3j56 3p4 53k4 53 456o3k46534p5oj p 535345634563 45posjp56 34563453456 346534563456345353534534535p3543o5k34op34p65o3k53 3p55o3sk56s356k3s56p3o4k534p535345 345345345o3k5o345 3opip353pkpokpkp534 5po3k5sp 53s5o3s56k34 65p34p535 34534 53453535345356k3p5okp 5634563s56 35634o5kcpj 35345345345345345658syedmerjhmed434543p6534s6p5o3sk45 p4354353 453534534 56o34k5o45p4 435634653456345678syedmerjhmed345345p3o4k53spo6k3s5p 346543653s5 345345o435k345p34o5k643po5jv5 535634563posk64po65k46 p7k64 5pk654 kv6456o4 56745764576547p65476457645645 64565464564567659syedmerjhmed 435345k3sp5ok3s56 3s45ok435 4354ok3 543 koc5 5 345345436543534po5k35o6p3sk563so653ks56op4s3k563s4p56ok3s45 p345345k34s563s4 54p5634 p65345435634653s5ok6s 3p456ok3s563osk563456p3s 56s35354365o34po3k45 p45345 435435 345345p34543 5435634567659
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