CM suggests fair polls after reforms

Vows to avoid politics of vengeance, highlights economic challenges

National Assembly Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf administrating the oath for Punjab chief minister to Hamza Shahbaz. PHOTO: EXPRESS


Punjab Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz has said that the country is facing challenges of governance and economy, stressing that free and fair elections after reforms are the only solution to the crisis.

Speaking to the media during his visit to Faisalabad on Saturday, he said the PML-N would counter the PTI on the political front. The chief minister said former prime minister Imran Khan had not fulfilled his promises during the past four years and has caused destruction.

He said Pakistan was facing several challenges related to economy and governance. Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz said the federal and Punjab governments were striving to take the country back to the stage where the annual economic growth rate was 5.8 per cent, labourers were paid on time and food items were affordable.

He vowed to take along the coalition partners and strive for serving the people. He said that in his view, free and fair elections after reforms were the only way forward. The chief minister alleged that some people wanted civil war in the country.

He said it appeared that the PTI chairman was wearing a suicide jacket to trample the law. "We don't believe in the politics of revenge," he vowed, but added that the former rulers must pay for forcing the people to wait in queues for sugar, wheat and medicines. The chief minister visited the home of PML-N leader Chaudhry Sher Ali during his stay in Faisalabad.

He said on the occasion that the former government had pushed the country to the verge of collapse. He also alleged that the Punjab governor was constantly violating the Constitution. "Khan and his cronies have kept Punjab deprived of its leadership illegally for one month, but we will compete with them in the political arena and defeat them with the support of the masses," he added.

He alleged that Imran Khan, after gaining power, had used national resources only to victimise his opponents, due to which he had failed to complete any public welfare or development project. "We are politically mature and would not promote the politics of victimisation. However, all those who looted the national wealth would be taken to task," he added.

He said the former government had caused inflation and unemployment, due to which the national economy was facing daunting challenges. "However, we in consultation with all stakeholders, will restart development projects in the country and try our level best to overcome inflation and unemployment at the earliest," he said.

"We believe in the supremacy of law and constitution and no step would be taken against it," he added.

Hamza Shehbaz was welcomed at Faisalabad airport by Minister for Aviation & Railways Khwaja Saad Rafique, while Member of National Assembly (MNA) Chaudhry Asim Nazir, MPA Majid Zahoor, Commissioner Zahid Hussain and other officials were also present.

The chief minister also visited the Faisalabad District Headquarters Hospital and talked to patients and their attendants about the facilities provided to them. He said he had issued instructions for provision of medicines free of charge to the patients.

Speaking to reporters at the Circuit House along with Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah, the chief minister said his government would not make claims of bringing overnight changes. He said plans were being made to provide relief to the people. He also met local parliamentarians and party leaders who presented him proposals for development projects.

Chief Minister Hamza Shehbaz had earlier returned to Lahore after a private visit to Qatar, where he met his mother after three and a half years.



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