Lahore sees early onset of summer

April temperature crosses 42 degrees for first time in decade


Along with joining the ranks of the most polluted cities in the world, Lahore is experiencing an early onset of hot weather each year.

Environment experts say the climate change has been observed after the establishment of housing societies on agricultural land, abundance of vehicles, burning of crops and garbage, smoke from factories and kilns, deforestation for construction and low water levels in rivers.

The phenomenon of an early advent of the summer is being witnessed across Punjab.

The highest temperature in Lahore during April has increased from 34 to 42 degrees during the past decade. The heatwaves cause hardship to the citizens.

The situation appears to be worsening despite government efforts and claims about steps taken to control ground and air pollution in Lahore.

Construction on agricultural land around Lahore is banned, but new housing societies are being set up.

With the depletion of agricultural land, pollution is increasing along with the intensity of heat.

Official record shows that the number of factories in Lahore is more than 1,200 and there are 120 kilns.

There are six million cars and motorcycles in the city. Carbon dioxide in the smoke emitted from factories and vehicles is causing pollution.

The Ravi river has almost dried up. Factories and housing societies are polluting the groundwater with untreated sewage, which, coupled with with the reduction of water in the river is intensifying climate change.

With the population of Lahore already over 12 million, construction work is on the rise, including high-rise buildings. With the increase in population of Lahore, its area is also increasing. The natural ground is replaced by roads and streets.

Thousands of trees have been cut down due to the expansion of the city, construction of roads and other mega projects. The number of trees planted is very small and even they are dying due to lack of care.

Environment Department Deputy Director Ali Ejaz told The Express Tribune that the effects of climate change are being felt across Punjab like the rest of the world.

Read Meteorological dept allays heatwave fears

He said the department was taking steps to eliminate pollution from Lahore by utilising the resources provided by the Punjab government.

There are about 120 brick kilns in Lahore where modern zigzag technology has been installed so that smoke emission can be reduced.

Cameras have also been installed in factories to monitor activities causing pollution. The official said more than 40,000 challans of penalty had been issued during a campaign against smoke-emitting vehicles. Measures have also been taken to prevent burning of crop residues and garbage and action in this regard is continuing.

The environment official said more trees are being planted to counter pollution and temperature rise.

However, Meteorology Department Director Muhammad Aslam said the heatwave was intensifying due to high air pressure in the upper areas.

He said the temperature had also exceeded 40 degrees in April 2010. The weather has re-occurred and the highest temperature this most both has been recorded at 42 degrees.

The expert said the main reason the increase in temperature was climate change. He said the temperature in April should normally be up to 34 degrees Celsius but this year it had reached 42 degrees. An expert warned that the mercury could rise to 48 degrees in May and June.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 15th, 2022.


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