MQM-P, PPP fanning ethnic strife: SUP

Party says parliamentarians made deals for power, rather than national interest


The Sindhi nationalist leaders while commenting on the vote of no confidence against prime minister Imran Khan have said only true democracy and dispensation of justice can usher an era of prosperity and development in the country.

A meeting of Sindh United Party, chaired by its chairman Syed Jalal Mehmood Shah, viewed the transition of power from Pakistan Tehreeke-Insaf to the opposition parties as typical of the age-old power politics which has never served interests of the people but only the political leaders.

Rubbishing the agreement for division of Sindh in the name of carving new administrative units, SUP President Syed Zain Shah said this deal hatched by MQM-P with PPP and PML-N will cause ethnic strife in the province.

Separately, Qomi Awami Tehreek President Ayaz Latif Palijo underlined that the country needed an independent judiciary which does not take dictation from the powerful quarters. Jalal Shah said at a press conference on Sunday, “What has been unfolding in Islamabad isn’t a political crisis but a crisis of the state.” “No political party is genuinely concerned about democracy.”

He noted that whichever political party comes to power it sooner or later begins to confront the state’s institutions and by doing so a crisis-like situation begins to develop. “We believe that a new constitutional agreement is required to do away with this crisis of the state and the basis of that amendment should be the 1940 Pakistan resolution.”

He said the SUP rejected the agreement reached among Pakistan Peoples Party, Muttahida Qaumi MovementPakistan and Pakistan Democratic Movement. Zain Shah further said that the stand taken in the meeting was that the SUP rejects the agreement reached between MQM-Pakistan PDM and PPP for gaining power. This agreement not only violates the basic tenets of the Constitution of Pakistan but also paves the way for ethnic strife in Sindh.

The agreement is a conspiracy to escalate tensions between the permanent populations in Sindh and against peace and brotherhood in Sindh. He further said that Sindh United Party considers the agreement between MQM, PPP and PDM as anti-Sindh agreement. Even before this, the PPP and the MQM have been conspiring against the geographical unity of Sindh, which has been jointly rejected by the Sindh National Movement and the people of Sindh.

He said that by convening a meeting of Sindh Action Committee this time too, they would protect the rights of Sindh with a joint strategy against this anti-Sindh agreement from a common platform, and defeat the designs of forces against the unity of the province.

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