Scottish vlogger under fire for publicly shaming Seaview horsemen over petty fraud

Netizens criticised Dale Philip for profiting off ‘misery’ of poor people through YouTube

Scottish vlogger Dale Philip drew the ire of Pakistanis online after he posted about getting three horsemen at sea view arrested for allegedly defrauding him. Philip tweeted about the incident along with a picture of a young horseman behind bars, writing, “He tried to earn a living by cheating people, but now he's living behind metal bars thanks to Karachi Police.” He added, “Hopefully he learns there's no need to cheat foreign tourists. Most will give extra payment if they were shown a good experience and treated in an honest way.” He also uploaded a vlog detailing the same, titled “Avoid this horse ride scam in Karachi, Pakistan”. 

— Dale Philip (@Daleroxxu) March 19, 2022

Several social media users questioned Philip over the public humiliation he subjected the horseman to, as well as his use of the incident as content for his vlog, which has since been viewed over 470,000 times. Comedian and host Shehzad Ghias Shaikh wrote on Twitter, “He tried scamming you of 20 dollars. You exploited him, used his face and made a video to make 4000 dollars from YouTube off of him.” He added, “Who is the real crook here? Are you going to share even a portion of your money with the poor people you used to make your millions?” 


— Shehzad Ghias Shaikh (@Shehzad89) March 21, 2022

In the video, the horseman reluctantly agrees to Rs 200 for a ride to amusement park Chunky Munky and back. Another horseman eventually replaces the one with whom the agreement was made, stating to the vlogger mid-ride that it’s a long way and would cost the equivalent of 20 trips. Philip then asks the horseman to stop the ride, but is ignored. At the end of the ride, the horsemen demand Rs 5000 for the ride, which Philip refuses. 

In response to the vlogger’s tweet, author Ilhan Niaz wrote, “Dale Philip has 858K YouTube subscribers. Here he is celebrating the misery of a poor brown person who tried to ‘scam’ a few hundred rupees off him. The video of the ‘scam’ on YouTube has 450K+ views. Mr Philip is blind to his own privilege and gets a kick out of class warfare.” 

— Ilhan Niaz (@IlhanNiaz) March 21, 2022

Visual artist Zulfikar Ali Bhutti also offered his two cents on the matter, tweeting, “Is this enough of an incentive to screen white tourists before they come here? Literally the govt and police could be doing a million better things with their time and money but no they want to make the vlogger happy. Disgusted.”

— Zulfikar Ali Bhutto ذوالفقار علي ڀٽو (@BhuttoZulfikar) March 20, 2022

A user asserted that despite the horseman’s petty fraud, he deserved to be treated with respect and not be subject to public humiliation. They wrote, “This might surprise a white man, but this person deserves to be treated with dignity regardless of whatever he did instead of being paraded as some indigenous deviant.” 

— Hassan A. Niazi (@Hassan_A_Niazi) March 20, 2022

Deeming Philip’s actions “disgusting”, another user shared, “Don’t go to third world countries as a rich foreigner if you don’t expect to pay higher prices and be occasionally swindled.” 

— Arsalan Khan (@akkhan81) March 20, 2022

Journalist and talk show host George Fulton also weighed in on the matter, explaining to Philip that it wasn’t a “good look”, adding, “You probably made more money in YouTube advertising from the video than what he was originally asking.” 


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