Lovestruck: Five date ideas for Valentine’s Day

Here are some unconventional but highly intimate plans for a romantic evening

At this point, even Cupid must be bored of candlelight dinners. With only so much to do in Karachi, people have fancy dinners at any sight of celebration and so, even those who find it easy to plan the most exciting and unique dates, fail to take the most romantic day of the year, Valentine’s Day, up a notch.

Let's just agree, Tom Hanks and Hallmark made it all look super easy in the movies. It is flat-out stressful to navigate your way through your partner’s expectations and take care of executing every tiny detail.

Valentine’s Day does not have to be the most over-the-top experience of all time. The idea you come up with has to tick three boxes; creative, intimate and should match your partner’s love language.
But worry not, we’ve compiled a list of a few unconventional but highly intimate date ideas that you can sign up for this Monday!

1. A picnic and movie in the park

February marks the near end of pleasant outdoor weather, and honestly, what’s better than watching a timeless romantic classic lying in a park with a basket full of comfort food? To top that, you don’t even have to plan one single thing. Commons Karachi is playing the Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts-starrer Notting Hill for its Valentine’s special edition. Dinner, popcorn and goodies included, this night could be the one you’ll remember for a long time – and hey, you just have to show up!

2. Love on the waters – cruise night

Living in Karachi, one highlight is being near the ocean. What’s more romantic than spending Valentine’s night on a cruise moving through the oceanic cold breeze with soft music playing in the background? The Kemari Sea Port has a Valentine’s Cruise Party on Sunday evening for couples who like to surf the evening in an embrace of the waves.

For those who like to keep it more adventurous than a musical night on a cruise,  you could always go on a snorkelling trip or take a mini trip to spend the evening in a boat at the Keenjhar Lake in Thatta. That’s more intimate and personal but the key is being around the waters.

3. All things jazz and Korean

If you’re a fan of slow dances and sushi, this one’s for you! District19, Karachi, has collaborated with the famous Pan Asian restaurant, Chop Chop Wok for a perfect Valentine’s night. There are promises of live sushi, lots of noodles, Korean chicken, and jazz music. Sounds like a dreamy plan to be honest!

4. Couples’ meditation

Another unique but objectively fun thing happening this weekend is a couples’ meditation workshop. The aim of the workshop is to synchronise energies with your partner and get intimate and create a mutual happy place together. Certain activities that are planned for the unique experiment are learning love languages, reconnecting through time travel and understanding intimacy and comfort.

For couples turning a leaf in their lives, this might be your best bet at connecting with each other deeply!

Fly in the air – literally

Do you wish to get an adrenaline rush on Valentine’s Day amidst a flock of fluffed clouds and aeroplane gear in hand? Then this one’s for you. While this will be a costly investment, it is a one-of-the-kind experience that is unmatchable. One Day Pilot program allows you to be a trainee pilot for a day, charter a jet and fly your way into the clouds.

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