Govt focusing to develop new tourist spots: Rashid

Opposition playing politics on Murree tragedy instead of extending a helping hand

Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid addressing a press conference in Islamabad on Wednesday, Oct 27. SCREENGRAB


Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid on Tuesday said the government had planned to explore new tourist spots in a bid to revitalise the tourism industry and project a positive image of the country globally through modern means of communication.

Talking to a private news channel, the interior minister said there was a dire need to explore almost 10 to 15 new tourist spots in the country to create options for the travellers.

The record-breaking snowfall occurred after decades in Murree which created such a challenging situation, he said, adding, we would ensure proper management in the future.

Read More: Murree to get new tourist spot

The minister maintained that the situation in Murree was consistently being monitored and till this evening all routes would be cleared.

He said the situation will get under control if people cooperate with the authorities and stop moving towards Murree.

Replying to a question, the minister criticised the “irresponsible behaviour of the opposition” saying they were playing politics on the tragedy instead of extending a helping hand.


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