NCOC to take strict measures regarding vaccination

Forum says 58% population already vaccinated

Asad Umar and Dr Faisal Sultan during an NCOC press conference. PHOTO: Associated Press of Pakistan Twitter / Screengrab


More than 58% population of the country is vaccinated, the National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) said on Monday, announcing that it would take strict measure to implement the mandatory vaccination in order to prevent the threat posed by the Omicron variant of coronavirus.

The NCOC, which serves as the nerve centre of the government’s anti-Covid strategy, after reviewing the pandemic curve chart, and the vaccination strategy, expanded the national campaign of mandatory booster shots to the people of 30 years of age.

The forum noted that Omicron variant had been reported in 95 countries, with more than 58,000 confirmed cases. It was informed that at present, Europe was the epicentre with UK and Denmark with highest number of cases, while 149 confirmed cases of Omicron had been detected in India so far.

Read More: NCOC data shows slight increase in active Covid cases

The meeting reviewed the province-wise vaccination targets and efforts to achieve the set vaccination targets. According to a statement, the forum agreed to take strict measures regarding the mandatory vaccination regime.

During the last 24 hours, the NCOC was informed that 713,582 people were vaccinated. This made the total number of vaccinated people to 141,509,339 that translated into 58% of the country’s population. The number of fully vaccinated people in the country had crossed 61 million, the statement added.

The NCOC urged the masses to get fully vaccinated to prevent from the new variant of coronavirus. The meeting also decided that the individuals over 30 years of age were eligible to get booster dose of their own choice from January 1, 2022.


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