Stories from Razya Khan
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PM&DC president registers his own honorary degree in apparent misuse of authority
The incident has sparked outrage within the medical community, with experts calling it a blatant misuse of authority
Kerfuffle in NA after debate on train attack disallowed
Opposition protests chair's decision; PTI stages walkout
Senate panel directs start of motorway project this fiscal
Members express concern over lack of planning for 'Uraan Pakistan' programme
Capital removes wild mulberry trees
The remaining trees will be cut down by April, and environmentally friendly replacements will be planted.
Poliovirus found in sewage of three districts
Polio, an incurable disease that causes paralysis, remains a persistent threat.
PMDC reverses decision on 5-year dental course
The PMDC has also made changes regarding faculty regulations in private medical colleges
Anaemia crisis costs Pakistan over $3 billion annually
Report says losses in productivity and human capital dwarfing efforts
Two more polio cases detected
Nationwide 2024 tally reaches 67
Kidney transplants banned at Max Health Hospital
HOTA says private medical facility failed to comply with regulations