Petition seeks to place former G-B CJ Rana Shamim on ECL

The petitioner fears ex-G-B CJ may flee abroad while the case against him was underway


A petition has been filed on Friday in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) requesting to place former chief justice of Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) Rana Shamim’s name on the Exit Control List (ECL).

The petition was filed by Supreme Court lawyer Rai Muhammad Kharal, who has also sought the court's permission to become a party in the contempt of court case against the former top judge.

The petition maintained that Shamim remained an official of Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) and was appointed the chief justice of G-B during the party’s tenure.

Kharal stated in the petition that he feared that ex-G-B CJ may flee abroad while the case against him was underway, and thus requested the court to add his name to the ECL.

The lawyer further claimed that he had important information about Shamim’s corrupt activities.

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He requested to be a party to the contempt of court proceedings against Rana Shamim.

Earlier on Tuesday, Shamim told the IHC that he had not seen his affidavit, which was used to level serious allegations against ex-chief justice of Pakistan Saqib Nisar, as he was unaware of the contents of the one submitted to the court.

As IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah took up contempt of court proceedings, Justice (retd) Rana Shamim, was told to submit a response to a show-cause notice along with the original affidavit within four days.

However, Shamim requested the court to give him time till December 12, saying he had not seen the affidavit yet as it was sealed.


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