Unity Sunridge Foods’ sheds light on Malnutrition via its latest thought-provoking campaign

Help Sunridge Foods' fight the evils of malnutrition by purchasing Sunridge Fortified Atta

Sunridge’s latest campaign isn’t just your average Independence Day ad, it is a pledge that hopes to address and eradicate something that we all are ashamedly unaware of - Malnutrition in Pakistan. This is most probably because people don’t understand what classifies as malnutrition.

To put it simply, the root cause of malnutrition is not getting the right balance of nutrients and calories in your body, thereby resulting in a weak growth. Other conditions of malnutrition can be stunted growth, hinder in the child’s height, and wasting, in which the muscle mass drops. Malnutrition can also cause a child to be underweight which, in extreme cases, may result in them being too weak to move around properly.

It is appalling to witness the number of malnutrition cases in Pakistan. The reason being is caused by the combination of extreme poverty in multiple areas of Pakistan and also due to the lack of education of parents who don’t know much about a child’s dietary requirements.

8 out of 10 children in Pakistan are not eating the right quantity of food which can lead them to being malnourished. Furthermore, there are nearly 10 million Pakistani children who suffer from stunting

Sunridge’s new campaign aims to not just spread awareness about these issues, but also aims at working towards reducing the number of children suffering from malnutrition. When we look at the ad we see a reflection of Sunridge’s powerful idea of how we can come together, regardless of age, gender or class, and help eradicate this problem. It’s about uniting and pledging for a greater mission.

The opening shot is of a doting father, played by Fahad Mustafa, driving his child and then seeing a child on the road who seems to be suffering from malnutrition. These visuals already set you up for a very emotional story. In the next scene when you see observe the father and son duo preparing food and distributing it to the people in an underdeveloped area of Karachi, you, as a viewer feel the need to do the exact same.

The simplest way to offer support to Sunridge’s cause is by purchasing a pack of Sunridge Fortified atta, taking a picture with the Sunridge pack and uploading it using the hashtag #SunridgeTaqatwarPakistan, on your social media profile. For every post uploaded with the hashtag, Sunridge will donate 1kg of fortified atta, that can help change the lives of many of our children.

The best aspect of this campaign is that Sunridge plans to go all across the country, even in the most remote areas of Pakistan, to provide the packs of Sunridge Fortified atta. This way they can make sure that every child in Pakistan has the nourishment they deserve. Sunridge products are manufactured at the PESA Mill with zero-human contact and follow a high level of hygiene and safety protocols. The products are fortified with the strength and goodness of iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamin B-12.

Seeing such an effort from a company is rare. Credit to Sunridge for not just giving us a beautiful visual treat, but also taking on the pledge to make Sunridge Taqatwar Pakistan.

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