Eid holidays from July 20 to 22

Sources say government has approved the summary for three-day holiday

Our Correspondent July 12, 2021


The federal government has announce a three-day holiday for Eidul Azha.

According to sources in the Prime Minister Office on Monday, the federal government has made a decision in principle to announce a three-day holiday for Eidul Azha. They added that the government holiday will be on July 20, 21, and 22.

Sources said the government has approved the summary for three-day holiday. Moreover, the government employees would have to come on the third day of Eid.

As per the Ruet-e-Hilal Committee, Pakistan will celebrate Eid on July 21. The decision was announced following a meeting of the committee, held in Karachi to sight the crescent.

The provincial and district Ruet-e-Hilal committees also met simultaneously at their respective headquarters for the sighting of the Zilhajj moon.

Eidul Azha commemorates the Quranic tale of the Prophet Ibrahim’s willingness to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to Allah, before the Almighty replaced the son with a ram to be sacrificed instead.

Later on Tueaday, an official notification was issued to confirm the dates of the holidays.


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