One On One with Hina Raza

Behind the scenes with Hina Raza

Hina Raza is an emerging brand. Transforming a brand into a force to be reckoned with has been nothing short of a challenge. Today the fashion house is counted amongst Pakistan's top brands. Hina Raza the force behind the design house - talks to T.Edit

What inspired you to get into fashion and retail?

Two things inspired me - first is my mother! I remember when we were in college we used to design our clothes, used to go to tailor, select laces and get the embroidery done. I always chose different colours and my mother helped me with each step! Second is nature! The beautiful natural colours around us inspired me!

Do you think fashion has become too commercial and taken fun away from it?

Yes fashion has become too commercial now! By the early 21'' century the Internet had become an increasingly important retail outlet , creating new challenges and opening up new opportunities for everyone! In an era of increasingly diverse shopping options for retail customers and of intense price competition among retailers, merchandising has emerged as one of the cornerstones of the modern fashion industry. However, successful fashion marketing depends on understanding consumer desire and responding with appropriate products .

What is your idea of style?

For me style is what you're comfortable in , can carry well while looking trendy and it should be affordable too!

How do you strike a balance between creative expression and commercial viability?

I'm still trying to balance in both! It's very hard for a creative person to control the expression and creativity!

Do seasons really matter anymore in the world of fashion?

The clothes you wear, are highly influenced by the seasons, may them be fall-winter or spring-summer . For every season, the designs and trends are constantly changing too. So, it's always important to be aware of the fact that being authentic and unique is the best part of following season styles. You should always be comfortable with what you wear, never letting go of your customs ; in every country the styles are different, and these include colours and fabrics in all seasons for every culture!

One lesson that success has taught you?

Everything is possible if you really want to do something . Never lose hope! Trust Allah and do your best .

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

You live only once so live and let live!


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