Certain religious, political parties have misused Islam: PM Imran

'Such acts do not affect others, but only damage Pakistan as a result'

News Desk April 19, 2021
Prime Minister Imran Khan addresses a gathering related to the PM's Housing Scheme, in Islamabad on April 8, 2021. SCREENGRAB

Prime Minister Imran Khan on Monday said it is unfortunate that some religious and political parties have misused Islam.

"Unfortunately in our country, some religious and political parties misuse Islam at times. And they misuse it in such a manner that they damage their own country," said the premier as he attended the ground-breaking ceremony of Islamabad-Margalla Highway.

He regretted that such acts do not affect others, but only damage Pakistan as a result.

The premier said the country was built in the name of Islam, however, he said, such actions “result in adverse effects on the country and end up harming the people”.

Read: PM Imran pays tribute to police for 'heroic stand' against TLP violence

The PM was referring to the recent demonstrations that quickly turned violent by the now proscribed Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP).

“This is especially sad because I haven’t seen the kind of affection people have for Islam and our Holy Prophet (PBUH) here when compared to other places,” he lamented.

“Do we [the government] not get hurt when someone disrespects our Holy Prophet (PBUH)?” the prime minister asked.

PM Imran added that there is no way to determine who loves the Prophet (PBUH), but misusing the sentiment in such a manner will not benefit Islam.

“Today I am making a promise to the people, we will campaign against such actions on the international forum so that nobody, even in the Western countries, will dare disrespect our beloved Holy Prophet (PBUH),” the premier stated.

Read more: Unrest in garb of protest won’t be allowed: PM

“There is no point of demonstrating, vandalising and destroying public property in our country. We are not hurting the country where the crime takes places, we are hurting our own country," the prime minister reiterated.

“We need to unite all heads of states of other Muslim countries and present our case in front of the United Nations and the European Union.”

He said such measure will bring about change in the west as well.

"Through my campaigning, we will resolve this issue."

Earlier today, the interior minister announced that after a successful round of negotiation with TLP, the proscribed outfit had released 11 policemen taken hostage from Lahore a day earlier.

A deputy superintendent of police along with 10 other policemen was apparently taken hostage and tortured by workers of TLP in Lahore on Sunday.

According to the Punjab Police, the incident happened after workers belonging to the TLP attacked the Nawankot police station early in the morning.



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