Petition filed against fresh elections demand

Petitioner says country cannot afford new general election


A writ petition was filed in the Lahore High Court (LHC) against the election demand of the opposition parties including Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) on the ground that the country could not afford such a whooping amount spent on general elections.

Petitioner Muhammad Illyas implored the court that the PML-N, PPP and other allied parties whose aim was to create fuss and anarchy in the country for wrongful gains and ulterior motives and egging on the people to create agitation in the country.

He contended that billions of rupees were spent on the process of elections and the Constitution of Pakistan does not permit the demand for a fresh election on petty issues.

He submitted that the opposition parties started making hue and cry after they were defeated in general elections and now they termed the elections as bogus.

Those politicians who were talking about democracy actually were concealing their own wrongdoings in the name of democracy. He submitted that Mian Nawaz Sharif and Altaf Hussain were sitting abroad but pointing fingers on the process of fair elections held in 2018.

The opposition parties are harassing the government through pressurising it and creating anarchy merely to protect their skin. The opposition parties are making efforts to save the big guns like Mian Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari, the petitioner maintained.

The opposition parties are playing such tactics to get NRO by hook or by crook and blackmailing or harassing the government and judges in the name of so-called democracy.

The poor masses cannot afford to pay such a huge amount of Rs800 million for election.

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