Traffic cops suffer transport shortage

Say they have to hitchhike to duty on highway

Last year 79 policemen - including four senior officials and nine traffic policemen - were shod dead by unknown gunmen. PHOTO: ATHAR KHAN/EXPRESS


The Rawalpindi City Traffic Police (CTP) personnel are still waiting for fleet vehicles and transport service to their duty point on the Mandra-Chakwal Highway under the one-district-one-road (ODOR) project, The Express Tribune learnt.

CTP personnel have been deployed with Punjab Highway Patrolling Police on the highway. However, they have not been provided a pickup truck nor any transport service to reach their duty points.

The traffic personnel, therefore, face extreme difficulties daily to reach their duties.

As per the details, the Punjab Highways Police Additional Inspector General (AIG) Zafar Iqbal had initiated the ODOR project on different highways in Punjab as a pilot project.

Traffic police to check number plates

The project was aimed at mitigating road accidents by ensuring implementation of traffic rules.

After success in the pilot project, the project was extended to the Rawalpindi division, and Mandra-Chakwal Road, which is about 50 kilometres (kms) long and was chosen as the project’s initiation in the division.

The traffic police officials, who did not wish to be named, told The Express Tribune that they have to travel to their duties either through hitchhiking or paying heavy fares to transport vehicles. They added that the seniors have been informed about the difficulties several times but the matter hasn’t been resolved as yet.


Published in The Express Tribune, Septe0mber 13th, 2020.

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