India's Hindutva policies a threat to regional peace: FM Qureshi

FM says Pakistan will continue its efforts towards Afghan peace process, stability in the region'

Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi. PHOTO: FILE

India's Hindutva policies are a threat to regional peace and stability, the international community should take notice, said Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Tuesday.

Qureshi was chairing a meeting on national security in Islamabad, and said that irresponsible statements from Indian officials showed New Delhi's bewilderment.

The Indian government is using negative tactics to divert the world's attention from its internal situation, claimed Qureshi.

The foreign minister maintained that Pakistan wanted peace and stability in the region but India was committing ceasefire violations along the Line of Control and targeting civilian population, in violation of international laws and fundamental rights.

He said that Pakistan had already conveyed to the United Nations secretary-general, the president of the UN Security Council (UNSC) and the secretary-general of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation about Indian designs.

Qureshi added that Pakistan will continue its efforts towards Afghan peace process, and stability in the region.

The meeting held a detailed discussion on national security, regional stability, and overall situation in the area.

Prime Minister's Special Assistant on National Security Dr Moeed Yousaf and other high ranking officials attended the meeting.

Earlier, on Monday, Qureshi had expressed concerns on India becoming a non-permanent member of the UNSC. It was 'not a moment of rejoice, but concern' as New Delhi blatantly rejected resolutions of the forum, especially on Kashmir, said Qureshi.

Talking to reporters in Islamabad, he had said that India had been ignoring the resolutions of UNSC on Kashmir for a long time, giving way to an unending oppression on Kashmiris by denying them their right to self-determination.

“Heavens will not fall if India becomes a UNSC member,” he said, adding that Pakistan had also served at the same position previously for seven times.

Qureshi said Islamabad was making efforts for its membership at the UNSC and had already initiated the process. Pakistan always remained ready to comply with the UNSC resolutions, he added, and recalled writing letters to the UNSC secretary general, updating him about the brutalities going on in the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K), he added.

The FM highlighted that the people of Kashmir did not accept India’s August 5 illegal annexation of the valley as the government continued its illegal search operations even during the coronavirus pandemic.

Also, the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act of the Indian Constitution has targeted the minorities, particularly the Muslims, he added.

The foreign minister asked India to “have guts to allow him” an open debate in IOJ&K and see itself the clear picture of Kashmiris’ support to Pakistan.
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