To me, she's a Shakespearean heroine: Mehwish Hayat on Benazir Bhutto

The actor is set to play the late Prime Minister in an upcoming biopic

Mehwish Hayat has been long reported to essay the role of former Primer Minister the late Benazir Bhutto in her biopic. Not much is known about the project other than the fact that it's currently in it's initial phases.

The Punjab Nahi Jaongee star in a recent interview with Desi Blitz shed some light on the project. While still keeping mum about the storyline of the film citing a Nondisclosure agreement (NDA) she has signed, Mehwish shed light on why she chose the project.

"I am under a strict NDA about the Benazir project. I am not allowed to say anything further than what already is in the public domain. Putting politics on one side, as an actress I am really drawn to the character," she said.

Adding on Mehwish talked about how she perceives Benazir as a character. " To me, she's a Shakespearean heroine. From her carefree days in Oxford. To her untimely assassination. There are so many shades to her and her personality. It will be an honour to play her," she said.

A few months earlier, the Chhawala star in an interview with BBC Urdu, expressed her excitement over the prospect. "This is the story of a hero. Benazir Bhutto is a hero to me and I love that woman. Her story is so inspirational to me. It's important that this generation and the generations ahead see her contributions, her struggles and her progress. She was the first woman [to be] Prime Minister," she said.

Any dates regarding the project are currently unknown.

During her conversation with Desi Blitz, the Dil Lagi star also shared her thoughts on the negative portrayal of Pakistan in Bollywood. " Our neighbours have one of the largest film industries in the world. In a time when they could've used the power they yield to bring us closer together. What do they do? They show countless films with Pakistanis as villains. I've lost count of the films in last year where Pakistan has been shown in a bad light," she said.

Mehwish stressed that Bollywood as a whole needs to align its priorities. " They need to decide what is more important to them. Nationalistic fervour or peace for future. If they really want peace. Then lets take a notch down and work towards a peaceful co-existence," she said.

On the subject of Pakistani films still needing its own identity, Mehwish reminded that the revival of cinema in the country is still in its " infancy".

" It still has to find a voice that is Pakistani. We are heavily influenced by our neighbours whose films have shaped the perception of our audiences. It will take time but just like our dramas that have a very unique identity, our films will also get there," the Load Wedding star added.

Among other things, Mehwish revealed what she looks in a script before taking on a role. " Good strong roles for women are few and far between. I look at my character and the story arc. I cannot accept a role just to be a showpiece and look glamorous. The role needs to have depth and the character needs to be fleshed out," she said.

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