PNCA’s ‘Eid ke Mehman’ series concludes

Celebrities were beamed into people’s homes through online livestream

PHOTO: Pakistan National Council of Arts

The Pakistan National Council of Arts (PNCA) on Sunday concluded its eight-day marathon daily live programmes called ‘Eid ke Mehman’.

The series of daily online shows began as a four-day programme to bring artists as guests into people’s homes because people could not go out to greet their loved ones over Eidul Fitr due to the novel coronavirus (Covid-19) restrictions.

“People could not visit each other on Eid and we wanted to make sure we brought Eid guests to people’s homes,” said the PNCA Director General (DG) Dr Fauzia Saeed.

She added that the programming featured prominent actors such as Mohammad Qavi, Irfan Khoosat, Qavi khan, Khalid Ahmad and Shahid Nadeem who helped bring smiles onto the faces of people.

Dr Saeed said that such was the popularity of the programme that they ended up extending it by another four days until May 31.

One aspect of the programming was to provide an extended platform to women in creative arts who participated in live discussions on PNCA’s Facebook page. Artists such as Sania Saeed, Hina Bayat, Naheed Siddiqui, Zahida Hina and former PNCA Director-General Kishwar Naheed were interviewed by Dr Saeed.

They talked not only about the entertainment industry but also their personal and professional lives and how they were spending their time during the lockdown.

During a session titled ‘Eid Gup Shup’, artists openly discussed and spoke their hearts. The live questions by viewers from the artists made the sessions interesting and interactive.

Writer and poet Naheed shared her struggle for the freedom of expression and women rights. She emphasised the youth to learn more about literature and arts to open their mind up to think differently.

Legendary actor Muhammad Qavi’s advised young actors to be patient during their time of struggle.

“When you get everything at once, it makes you numb creatively. Our generation has great talent, all they need to practice, hard work, respect and patience”.

Film director, producer and writer Irfan Khoosat pointed to the lack of depth and message in modern dramas. He said that dramas of the yesteryears always carried a strong message.

“Drama series written by legendary writers such as Ashfaq Ahmad and Bano Qudsiya were the peak of drama writing in our industry,” he offered.

Writer, director and chairman of Ajoka theatre Shahid Nadeem discussed the reasons for shifting from activism to writing plays. He said his writings reflect the activist side of him.

“Whatever I have written is for a cause and to bring about a change in society,” he added.

PNCA chief Dr Saeed said that though it’s a period of social distancing, it had brought them closer.

Published in The Express Tribune, June 1st, 2020.
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