India wages war against our civilisation: AJK president

Sardar Masood Khan also visits MQM-Pakistan's Central Office in Karachi and meets Convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui

Sardar Masood Khan also visits MQM-Pakistan's Central Office in Karachi and meets Convener Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui and others. PHOTO: EXPRESS

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said that India must not consider Kashmiris weak and defenceless because 220 million Pakistani people, right from Karachi up to Khyber and from Khunjerab to Gwadar, stand by them.

While addressing a seminar, titled, 'Indian State Terrorism: Kashmir and World Peace', organised by the Human Rights Council of Pakistan at Karachi Arts Council, he said that the flames which India has been fanning in Occupied Kashmir for the last 72 years have now engulfed the whole of India, and the slogans of Azadi (freedom) which was earlier heard only in the disputed territory, are "now being echoed across India".

"In order to establish a peaceful and civilised society in South Asia, we are ready to fight the fascist and fanatic groups like the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) who are hell bent on destroying peace and stability in the region," President Masood added.

Warning about the ongoing highhandedness that the Modi-led government has started clash of civilisations by targeting Muslims both in Occupied Kashmir and within India and hurling threats of war at Pakistan, the AJK president said that the Indian civilisation was based on barbarity, savagery and the human blood but "our civilisation derives its values from the Holy Quran and life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) which declare respect for the whole mankind and sanctity of the human lives".

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While raising a question, he said that if New Delhi claims that it is a big power and an economically stable country, why is it afraid of a country which is relatively smaller than its size and resources. “It is not the matter of size or population that makes a country strong and invincible but the courage, bravery and spirit of sacrifice and Pakistani nation is equipped with all this.”

Elucidating on the role of global media that highlights the true picture of Kashmir while parliaments of the world were raising their voice in support of the people of the Himalayan region, President Masood said that the think tanks, authorises and thinkers are demanding action against India for committing crimes against humanity.

“We must take advantage of the changed global environment to build a better narrative to convince the world community to support the oppressed people of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir.”

The seminar was also addressed by Human Rights Council Chairman Jamshed Hussain, Vice-Admiral (retd) Arifullah Hussaini, Baharia Foundation Shah Director Sohail Masood and others.

Later in the day, President Masood also visited the Central Office of MQM-Pakistan where he was warmly received by party Convener Dr Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui, Deputy Convener Amir Khan, Mayor Karachi Wasim Akhtar, Deputy Mayor Arshad Hussain and members of the Rabita Committee.

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During his meeting with MQM leadership, the AJK president discussed latest situation in IOJ&K while lamenting on the use of brute force against peaceful demonstrators in Delhi and other parts of India.

Briefing media after the meeting with the MQM central leadership, President Masood said that the people of Karachi have always supported the struggle of Kashmiris for the right to self-determination.

“Today, the world is witnessing violent incidents in New Delhi on TV screens, but the Kashmiri people have been experiencing the violent actions of the Indian occupation forces for the last 72 years,” he said, adding that the only difference is that media is present in Delhi to show these brutalities to the world, but a media blackout is in vogue in Occupied Kashmir.

Expressing his gratitude to the MQM for supporting victims of Azad Kashmir after 2005 devastating earthquake, President Masood said that people of AJK will never forget generosity and kindness demonstrated by the people of Karachi when they were facing difficult circumstances.

On this occasion, Convener Siddiqui strongly condemned the Indian actions against Muslims particularly the Kashmiri people. He said that the policy adopted by the BJP government against Muslims and other minorities has proved that "India is neither a republic nor a secular state, but this is purely a Hindu state".
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