Social media watch: Anti-Muslim bloodshed rocks New Delhi

Mob plants flag on a minaret, Delhi police force wounded Muslim men to sing national anthem

Mobs push police barricades during a clash with anti-CAA protesters in New Delhi, February 24. PHOTO: REUTERS/FIle

India's capital New Delhi has been in the grip of the worst sectarian violence in decades as Hindutva mobs are on an anti-Muslim rampage.

The violence in Delhi has taken away the spotlight from the much-touted maiden visit by US President Donald Trump.

India has been witnessing internal turmoil since late last year over anti-Muslim legislation passed by right-wing Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP).

Through the Citizens Amendment Act 2019, the Indian government aims to fast-track citizenship for non-Muslims who arrived in India before December 31, 2014, from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

The Modi-led government also plans to implement the National Register for Citizens nationwide – which would provide legal cover to expel Muslims who do not have sufficient citizenship documentation.

Brewing since December 2019, the unrest erupted in New Delhi over the weekend but turned deadly on Monday with Reuters reporting at least 19 deaths and hundreds with bullet wounds and head injuries in hospitals across New Delhi.

Social media was flooded with footage of Hindutva mobs, backed by state police, unleashing violence on Muslims. “They aren’t burning just cars, they are burning India,” wrote filmmaker Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri.

A day before the violence erupted, social media posts suggested Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) workers marked the houses of Muslims with a saffron flag in different localities of Northeast Delhi.

A mosque was set on fire by the mob shouting “Jai Shri Ram” before they climbed to the top and planted a saffron flag on the minaret.

Horrifying visuals emerged of Delhi Police and the mob beating wounded Muslim men laying on the ground and forcing them to sing the Indian national anthem.

In a video report by The Wire, a Hindutva mob boasted setting a Muslim religious site on fire. "How dare they protest the CAA and NRC? Is it their country? It is our country."

Another video showed a RSS mob attempting to enter houses of Muslims.

While Delhi Police was seen providing security to the saffron mob.

Journalists under fire

“It’s been over 24 hours, still you are outnumbered Delhi Police?” asked NDTV reporter Arvind Gunasekar who was also attacked by the mob while covering the clashes.  Your personnel standing at the entrance of Karawal Nagar as mute spectators, he added.

Gunasekar along with Saurabh Shukla and News 18’s Runjhun Sharma were attacked for filming the mob demolish a religious site. Gunasekar said he went to record visuals when the mob came onto him. “They asked me my religion. It was completely baffling,” he told NDTV.

The reporter said they saw two policemen on two bikes escorting the mob to the religious site before vanishing.

Shukla said he rushed to rescue Gunasekar and it was only after the mob realised he belonged to their community that they stopped beating Gunasekar. “I told them my name… I had to show my Rudraksh [prayer beeds] to prove I’m a practising Brahmin. They said you’re from our community then why are you doing this [reporting].”

“We were reporting as a team,” Sharma narrated the incident to News18. “We saw a religious structure being demolished by a mob - group of 100-200 men – we saw bricks falling down and stopped the car on the main road – a flyover – and headed towards the religious structure.”

She said when Gunasekar began filming, within seconds a crowd rushed towards the reporters. “Before we could even think, they started beating Gunasekar. These men were armed with iron rods and hockey sticks. He was bleeding, he lost a tooth.”

“Before letting us go they deleted every single picture, every single video in their phones,” she added.

Sharma said the men heckled Shukla and surrounded her. “They asked us for religious credentials. It wasn’t easy. We had to fold our hands in front of them and pleaded for several minutes before they let us go.”

“I had to take my press ID out and flash it. I said ‘Look I am Sharma. I belong to this community. Please let us go’. That worked for me. Had I been from another community, I don’t know what would have happened.”

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