We have much to show than to hide from world in AJK: President Masood

AJK president meets a high-level British Parliamentary delegation headed by MP Debbie Abrahams, Chairperson AAPKG

AJK president meets a high-level British Parliamentary delegation headed by MP Debbie Abrahams, Chairperson AAPKG. PHOTO:EXPRESS

Azad Jammu and Kashmir President Sardar Masood Khan said that AJK has much to showcase and nothing to hide from the world.

While welcoming a high-level British Parliamentary delegation, headed by MP Debbie Abrahams, Chairperson All-Party Parliamentary Kashmir Group (APPKG) in Muzaffarabad on Thursday, President Masood said that the "people of this territory enjoy fundamental rights and civil liberties and there are no instances of torture, persecution, detention, and restrictions on movement".

The Parliamentarians – belonging to all major political parties including, the ruling Conservative Party, Labour Party and Liberal Democratic Party –  present at the occasion were Senior Vice Chairperson APPKG MP Imran Hussain, Treasurer APPKG MP Sarah Britcliffe, MP James Daly, Secretary APPKG Lord Qurban Hussain, MP Tahir Ali, MP Judith Cummins, MP Mark Eastwood, Councillor Harpreet Uppal and Councillor Yasmeen Dar. AJK Chief Secretary Mathar Niaz Rana and AJK Additional Inspector General of Police Fahim Abbasi were also gracing the event.


Last week, MP Debbie Abrahams was deported from the Delhi Airport simply because of her position as Chairperson APPKG and for openly speaking for the rights of the Kashmiris. Terming the act reprehensible and shameful act which openly shows India’s complicity and intolerance, President Masood said that here in AJK "we display immense tolerance towards political dissent and respect ideological differences".

“In Indian Occupied Kashmir, the true political leadership has been incarcerated,” he said, adding that in IOK the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front has been  banned while its leader Yasin Malik is in imprisoned in jail. However, the same party is free to organise rallies and seminars and its leaders are allowed for free movement and interaction in Azad Kashmir.

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Comparing and contrasting the situation in AJK and IOJK, the president said that 900,000 troops have been deployed by India in the disputed territory under the garb of fighting terrorism.

The LoC, he said, is heavily guarded and India has erected a long electrified fence connected to motion sensors, thermal imaging and high powered lights; so claims of cross-border infiltration are not possible and the only terrorism in IOJK is the state terrorism under the patronage of the Modi government.

Debbie Abrahams thanked the governments of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir for facilitating their visit and giving them free access to meet any group they had wished to interact with.

Expressing hope that the same courtesy will be exhibited for APPKG on the Indian side, the British parliamentarian acknowledged the leadership of Pakistan and AJK for their commitment to protecting human rights.

While lauding their efforts in fighting the scourge of terrorism, Debbie said that the APPKG is a cross-party independent group focusing on human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir. "It will continue to influence the British Parliament and the policymakers in the UK."

Speaking on the occasion, MP Imran Hussain said that the APPKG has always been requesting New Delhi for allowing them to visit IOK but recently their request was rejected by India, once again.

“If India has nothing to hide then they should allow us to visit that side of the Line of Control,” she asserted.


Lord Qurban Hussain said that after Brexit the UK will be looking towards the Commonwealth nations and reiterated that it is pertinent for the UK to explore developing trade linkages with the countries based on their human rights record and their adherence to the Commonwealth principles. He said that India, in this case, will not be an exception.

In a message to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and to the British prime minister, President Masood said: “Do not to sit on the fence and instead take the side of the oppressed. Kashmiris are being killed and they can't bear the silence of world powers as this silence is helping no one but India.”

Lamenting on a slow-moving genocide taking place in IOJK and the UK being the custodians of human rights must step in to save the population, he said that as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, the United Kingdom must facilitate the implementation of the UNSC resolutions on Kashmir and help the people of  the territory to exercise their right to self-determination in a free and fair manner.

While quoting a report published on Kashmir, the president said that the minority population in Azad Jammu and Kashmir face no persecution and enjoy equal rights.

“One of the suggestions of the report calls for an independent Commission of Inquiry by the Human Rights Council,” he must persuade India to allow the commission to freely report on the happenings in IOJK.

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