‘UNSC sessions on Kashmir conflict major diplomatic achievement for Pakistan’

We would have to continue to exert pressure for constantly convening of UNSC sessions on Kashmir, says AJK president

File photo of AJK President Sardar Masood Khan. PHOTO: ANADOLU AGENCY

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said India wants to push the region towards war and "if the war breaks out, this will be a nuclear clash which will affect billions of people in the region".

Addressing senior officials of AJK at the Kashmir Institute of Management, he said that raising the Kashmir conflict at the UN Security Council (UNSC) on August 16 last year and now another closed-door session on the issue is a "major diplomatic achievement for Pakistan".

“We would have to continue to exert pressure for constantly convening of Security Council sessions on Kashmir,” he added.

Paying great tributes to veteran Hurriyat leaders Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Omar Farooq, Yasin Malik, Shabbir Ahmed Shah, Asiya Andrabi and others, President saidthese leaders had offered unprecedented sacrifices by devoting their entire life for the liberation of disputed Himalayan valley and the right to self-determination for its people.

"These leaders have never compromised on principles and the Kashmiri people living on both sides of the Line of Control (LoC) pay salute to them.”

Beside highlighting the struggle of the Kashmiri leaders, the AJK president also said in spite of sacrificing 100,000 lives and precious properties, Kashmiri people have not compromised on principles. "Despite being defenceless, they have been giving tough time to 900,000 Indian troops."

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"India is once again conspiring to raise a new political class from within the Kashmiri people to show some pro-India faces to the world, but the Kashmiri nation is determined not to fall in the trap," he underscored.

Shedding light on the aftermath of repeal of articles 35-A and 370 by the Modi government in August last year, the AJK president said "abolition of these articles, bifurcation of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, and its incorporation into Indian union were an assault on the entity of Kashmiri people".

"Now India is evicting the Kashmiri people from their homes and lands in the held territory, and is settling Indian Hindus there in order to turn the Kashmiri people into a minority," he said, adding that all these Indian actions violate the UN resolutions and international laws particularly the fourth Geneva Convention.

He went on to say that after August 5, important countries including China, Turkey, Malaysia, Iran, Germany and Finland as well as the global media and parliaments of many countries including the US Congress had publicly supported the Kashmiri people and condemned the Indian actions.

“This has provided the best opportunity to Pakistan and the Kashmiri people to motivate the world public opinion in favour of their stand,” the president said.

Speaking on the occasion, he also appreciated the AJK chief secretary for playing an active and vibrant role after the natural calamity recently hit the Neelum Valley.
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