5 helpful tips to actually get rid of blackheads

Pore strips used to be a fad favourite, but it may not be the best way to unclog them


It seems simple, but is it really that easy to get rid of stubborn blackheads? Pore strips used to be a fad favourite, but it may not be the best way to get rid of them.

First, it helps to understand what blackheads are. Blackheads are a clump of oil and dirt mixed together inside a pore. If we don't take care of our pores, the dirt and oil will eventually accumulate and skin can become rough, scratchy and bumpy.

As compiled by SELF, here are some helpful tips to get rid of blackheads.

Wash your face at least twice a day 


This seems like basic advice, but cleansing can go a long way to help prevent dirt and oil from accumulating in your pores. Washing your face is one of the three most important steps in your skin-care routine for good reason. Regularly cleansing your skin will help remove any excess dirt, oil, dead skin cells, bacteria, or makeup that’s lingering on your face.

Exfoliate regularly 


If cleansing isn't enough to remove all the dirt clogging your pores, exfoliation is a must. For most people just exfoliating once or twice a week is plenty. Some can increase that to three times per week without any issues, while others can only exfoliate once a week or every other week before experiencing irritation and dryness. The most important thing is to (carefully) experiment and see what types of exfoliating products and frequencies work for you and your skin.

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Use a clay or charcoal mask occasionally


Masks containing clay or charcoal can help get rid of excess dirt and oil from the skin. Products like these may not “detox” your skin, but over time they can help get rid of blackheads and manage other acne issues. You can use the products as directed, such as wearing it for 10-15 minutes and then rinsing it off, or you can use them as spot treatments overnight.

Wear oil-free sunscreen everyday 


Wearing a daily sunscreen is undoubtedly the most important part of your daily skin-care routine because it can help prevent skin cancer and premature signs of aging. Plus, UV rays can dry your skin out, which makes acne worse.

Ice your skin if you extract blackheads


Despite dermatologists warning against it, sometimes extracting your own blackheads happens. And when it does, it’s important to care for the skin afterwards to reduce inflammation and help prevent more acne. Icing the area for a few minutes to help reduce redness and inflammation is important. Make sure to put the ice inside a paper towel or washcloth.

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