Mengal slams ‘attempts to defame’ his party

BNP-M chief urges activists and leaders to remain united

Sardar Akhtar Mengal (PHOTO: FILE)

Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) President Akhtar Mengal has condemned what he claimed were attempts to defame his party.

“New groups are being formed against us but despite all odds, our activists and leaders should remain united,” he said while addressing party activists in Quetta.

The BNP-M chief said despite five operations in Balochistan, his party did not give up its struggle for the rights of Balochistan because it had an ideology that was deeply entrenched among the people of the province.

“Over 2,000 of our activists have been killed but we never deterred from raising our voice for the rights of Balochistan at national and international platforms,” he added.

Mengal said his party could have compromised over the rights of the province for the post of the chief minister and other ministries but he was accountable to the activists and the mothers and sisters who had sacrificed their lives for their rights.

BNP-M working to provide relief to people: Mengal

The BNP-M president regretted that the “elite” leadership of the country had never discussed the discrimination faced by the people of Balochistan.

“I don’t promise jobs, infrastructure and schools, but assure you I will uphold the dignity of the people of Balochistan being a representative in the National Assembly,” he added.

BNP-M leaders Agha Hassan Baloch, Nawabzada Haji Lashkari Raisani, Abdul Wali Kakar and Ahmed Nawaz Baloch addressed the activists as well. Former town Nazim Meer Wali Lehri also participated in the gathering.

The BNP-M had signed a six-point agenda with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) at the time of the formation of its government in August last year in exchange for its support to the latter.

The six points included recovery of missing persons, implementation of the National Action Plan, implementation of six per cent quota for Balochistan in the federal government, immediate repatriation of Afghan refugees and the construction of dams in the province to resolve the acute water crisis.

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BNP reviews preparations

Balochistan National Party president Sardar Akhtar Mengal on Wednesday also chaired a central cabinet meeting of his party to review preparations for upcoming council session of the BNP.

During the meeting, Secretary-General Senator Jahanzaib Jamaldini briefed regarding the preparations for party’s central council session.  The leadership also vowed to expand party in every corner of the province.

On this occasion, Sardar Akhtar Mengal emphasised that being a democratic force it was important to strengthen the party’s network across the country to combat challenges.

The central cabinet meeting has constituted 7 committees to complete district conventions and organisational works. 

Published in The Express Tribune, September 26th, 2019.

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