India sets up fake Pakistani check-post in IOK to stage false flag operation

New Delhi's irresponsible act comes in the wake of heightened tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours

New Delhi's irresponsible act comes in the wake of heightened tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours. PHOTO: REUTERS/FILE

With the world's eyes firmly set on Occupied Kashmir as Indian atrocities in the disputed Himalayan valley reach their zenith, it is now believed that New Delhi wants to conduct a false flag operation to malign Pakistan.

Sources said that Indian troops plan to stage a fake operation and the Narendra Modi-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government would project it as military action against Pakistan along the Line of Control (LoC) and Working Boundary (WB).

The New Delhi's plan comes in the wake of heightened tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours after New Delhi stripped Indian Occupied Kashmir (IOK) of its special status and clamped an information blockade on the valley .

Changing IOK status was Modi's endgame all along: analysts

Reports suggest that India has set up a fake Pakistani check-post in the occupied territory with a view to stage a mock encounter in order to malign Pakistan.

The Modi government's Kashmir move has been condemned by the international community as well as voices inside India.

The United Nations has called for the government in New Delhi to roll back the constitutional amendment under which Article 370 was repealed.

The world community has also urged for restraint from both sides as India continues to ramp up its attempts to muzzle the voice of Kashmiris.
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