‘Robber’ accidently killed by accomplices in Multan

Culprits tried to break the wall of a room to sneak inside when Abdul Hamd and his family woke up



A robber was killed allegedly by the firing of his own accomplices in Multan’s Jalalpur area, police told Express News on Tuesday.

A police official said that three robbers barged into the house of Abdul Hamd in Basti Peer Aulia while he and his family were sleeping. He maintained the accused tried to break the wall of a room to sneak inside.

He added in the meantime, Abdul Hamd and his family woke up. The family raised a hue and cry and people from the neighbourhood gathered to catch the culprits, the official highlighted. He said while the robbers tried to escape from the spot, one of them opened fire on the people, but the bullet hit their own accomplice. As a result, he was killed on the spot, he pointed out.

The deceased robber was identified as Bashir Ahmed. The police took the body into custody and started investigations.

Earlier, a robber was killed in a shootout with villagers in Okara. Three unidentified outlaws barged into a shop in Khaneki Saddar area and looted cash and valuables.

When the culprits tried to escape, the villagers challenged them. As a result, the accused opened fire. The villagers retaliated and during the crossfire, one of the robbers was killed while his accomplices fled the scene.
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