Peace committee leader among three killed in Peshawar car bomb

DSP Matani confirms blast was a car bomb which killed peace committee chief Ijaz Bacha, and a policeman.

A car bomb explosion in Matni area of Peshawar killed three people including one policeman and peace committee leader Ijaz Bacha while injuring seven people on Monday.

Express 24/7 correspondent Umar Farooq reported that unidentified assailants had planted a bomb on a motor-bike before parking it outside the residence peace militia member, Ijaz Bacha.

The militia’s head Qadir Khan, said that the attacker quietly fled after parking his motor-bike after which a loud explosion took place.

DSP Matani, Sahibzada Sajjad confirmed the casualty figure, saying that four police men had also been injured in the attack. He added that the explosion, which took place shortly after eight pm, was the result of a car bomb.

Up to 20 shops in the vicinity of the blast had also been damaged.

"At least three people were killed and seven others were wounded," senior police official Kalam Khan, adding he could not immediately confirm the type of device used, reported AFP

Local sources confirmed that three people were killed and more than seven others were wounded.

The injured were shifted to Lady Reading Hospital.

Security forces had cordoned off the area.

Who is Ijaz Bacha?

40-year old Ijaz Bacha worked actively against terrorism and was eager to restore peace in the area. He provided his house to the police to temporarily set up a police station, as there was none in the area.

A checkpost located in the area is also ascribed to his name.

Bacha was at the checkpost with other police officials when the blast took place.
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