First lady visits Lahore hospital to review healthcare facilities

During her visit, Bushra Bibi also holds meeting with hospital administration

Bushra Bibi visits Lahore’s Gulab Devi Hospital. PHOTO COURTESY: @1clickpar

First lady Bushra Bibi on Saturday visited the Gulab Devi Hospital in the Punjab capital to review healthcare facilities being provided to patients.

According to Dr Hamid Hassan, an official at the hospital, the first lady met patients and inquired about their health and the facilities being provided to them in the hospital.

During her visit, she also held a meeting with the hospital staff and sought a report about issues being faced by the administration regarding the treatment of patients.

First lady visits mentally-ill women, children at Lahore rehab centre

In November last year, the first lady paid a visit to Fountain House, a rehabilitation centre in Lahore, where she interacted with mentally-challenged women and children housed there.

She visited various wards of Fountain House and was apprised on medical facilities given to the patients.

Moreover, during her visit, the first lady also vowed to help the rehabilitation centre’s administration to improve the services they provide.
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