Dispatch of relief urged for LoC firing victims

AJK lawmaker makes demand through a resolution in assembly


Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Legislative Assembly member Pir Syed Ali Raza Bukhari has called for the earliest dispatch of a relief package for the affected people of unprovoked Indian firing along the Line of Control (LoC) in AJK.

During an assembly session the other day, Bukhari tabled a motion strongly condemning the Indian aggression in the region.

The text of the resolution moved in the house is as follows:  “India’s irresponsible and reckless action on the 26th and 27th of February 2019 seriously threatens the peace and stability in the whole of the South Asia region.

The act of Indian aggression severally impacts the wellbeing, livelihood and free movement of the Kashmir people, along with the destruction of their property and the country infrastructure.

We strongly condemn the blatant Indian aggression of the 26th and 27th of February 2019, which is in utter violation of the United Nations Charter, international law and interstate norms.

We call upon India to put an immediate halt to the continued human rights violations in Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, in line with the UN Security Council Charter for international peace and security.

We must reaffirm Pakistan’s resolve to respond effectively and in a proportionate manner to India’s aggression illustrated by the action taken on the 27th of February 2019, which demonstrated Pakistan’s right, will and capability for self-defence.

We praise the timely and effective action by the Pakistan Air Force (PAF). We affirm that the entire Pakistani and Kashmiri nation stands united in support of the armed forces of Pakistan.

A resolution of the Jammu and Kashmir problem must be found calling for an impartial plebiscite to determine the future of the people of Jammu and Kashmir. We must reject India’s attempt to project the legitimate Kashmiri struggle for self-determination as ‘terrorism’.

Kashmir is a nuclear flashpoint; Pakistan and India are eyeballs to eyeball for a nuclear confrontation which will turn the subcontinent into an unlivable inferno. We need solutions to avert an all-out nuclear war in the region.

The root to the tensions is nothing but Kashmir and Kashmiris are convinced, nevertheless, that impartial observers would support the Kashmir cause based on universal principles, democratic values, rule of law and international justice.

It is a vital time now that all parties concerned in Pakistan, India and the Kashmiri leadership sit together and pen a strategy for the sake of peace and stability in the region of South Asia.

Because ultimately, the negotiations, is the only way to resolve the Kashmir conflict, and that Kashmiris cannot be excluded from the negotiating table if a peace process is to be serious, meaningful and resolve- oriented”.

The lawmaker demanded that in the light of the prevailing situations, the government of Pakistan should immediately take the preventative measures including the formation of parliamentary delegations with at least one member from AJK Assembly, and send them to the UNO Security Council members USA, Russia, France, China, and UK.

Bukhari also called upon the AJK government to declare emergency including recalling ex-soldiers besides assigning the deputy commissioners in all AJK districts as a focal person’s to co-ordinate and responsible for establishing a civil defence in their districts.

He also called for live coverage of the ongoing assembly session due to the ongoing situation, revival of all AJK-based air basis including Muzaffarabad and Rawalakot.

The mover also called upon the government of Pakistan to announce a special relief package for the people living close to the LoC as the frequent unprovoked Indian firing had made the life of the population of the forward area unbearable.
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