CM congratulates nation on Baloch Culture Day

Kamal vows full support for ailing departments


Provincial Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan has congratulated the people of the world on the annual Baloch Culture Day to be held today (Saturday), saying on this day the Baloch nation shares the message of peace and unity with other nations.

“The Baloch nation highlights the rich cultural values of Balochistan before the whole world on the Baloch Culture Day,” said the chief minister in a statement issued by the CM Secretariat on Friday.

CM Kamal urged the people to spread awareness regarding rich traditions of the Baloch nation for the next generation to follow.

CM Kamal pledges peace, prosperity and development in 2019

“The identity of a nation can be kept alive through culture, customs and traditions,” said CM Kamal. “By celebrating the Baloch Culture Day, we should renew our focus on modern necessity of the world and to educate our children.”

Kamal said people of different races and religions were living in Balochistan for centuries, which was why the people of the province always fostered peace, respect and love for each other.

He urged the people of Balochistan to ensure protection of Baloch language, culture, customs and traditions.

Separately, chairing a meeting to review the performance of various government departments at the CM Secretariat, CM Kamal vowed full support for those government departments whose performance had been affected by lack of facilities and inappropriate environment.

Besides law and prosecution, religious affairs and women development departments also came under review.

“The law and prosecution department will be given utmost importance as it is the main source of providing justice to the people,” said the chief minister. Parliamentary Secretary Mah Jabeen Baloch, Laila Tareen and Denesh Kumar were present. The CM was briefed regarding the departments by their secretaries.

CM Kamal directed authorities to fill the vacant posts of district attorney, assistant district attorney and prosecutors on an immediate basis. “Make arrangements for their training,” said Kamal. “Due to weak prosecution, majority of the decisions come against the government; therefore, we need to strengthen our prosecution team.”

Kamal directed authorities to avail the services of the law department and law firms to check the legalities of government agreements with private companies.

Kamal also issued orders for the establishment of a forensic lab under the prosecution department, saying the department should obtain experience from the Punjab government’s Forensic Lab.

The meeting decided to make amendments in the council act of the Zakat department and an announcement was made to increase the total Zakat share of Balochistan from 5.7 per cent to 9.1 per cent under NFC.

The meeting agreed to revamp the criteria of distribution of Zakat to make sure that the money reached the deserving people.

Approving land for Women Development Directorate, Women Shelter Home and Sales and Display Centre, the Balochistan CM pledged to secure the rights of women in Balochistan.

Kamal also directed to conduct planning for the establishment of a prefab technology to provide an opportunity to women to sell their homemade products, particularly embroidery.

Further, CM Kamal also condemned the attack on Peshawar High Court judge Ayub Khan and prayed for his quick recovery.

Kamal Khan expressed grief over the assassination attempt on Justice Khan and condemned the attack. He also prayed for the safe and quick recovery of the judge.
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