Senate body wants survey on diseases

More facilities should be provided to people in hospitals

Senate. PHOTO: APP

The Senate Standing Committee on Problems of Less- Developed Areas on Monday recommended that health sector should be given priority in erstwhile Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) and Balochistan.

The committee which met here at Parliament House with Senator Muhammad Usman Khan Kakar in the chair discussed the prevalence of various diseases in Balochistan and tribal areas due to the shortage of health facilities.

The committee said that relevant departments should focus on the welfare of the people in such areas.

It further recommended that authorities should initiate campaign to create awareness regarding diseases.

The chairman said that more facilities should be provided to people in hospitals.

The body expressed concerns over reports regarding spread of Congo virus in Balochistan. It also recommended that national level survey should be conducted regarding spread of diseases in Fata and Balochistan.

It also recommended PMDC to restore 192 medical scholarships quota for students of Balochistan and Fata. APP
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