Sub-Inspector Zahid Akhtar arrested Atif Qamer and recovered four wine bottles from him. Sub-Inspector Azhar Mehmood from Karachi company police arrested Umer Farooq and recovered a laptop and other stolen items from him. Sub-Inspectors Zafar Iqbal and Muhammad Hanif from Industrial- Area police arrested two accused Shahid and Anser Janved and recovered a total of 520 gram hashish from their possession.
ASI Azmat Hayat from Margalla police arrested a bike lifter Jehanzaib and recovered two stole bikes from him. ASI Zafar Iqbal from Koral police arrested two bike lifters namely Baqar Ali and Muhammad Hussain and recovered a stolen bike from their possession. Cases have been registered against these arrested suspects and further investigation on the matters is underway.
Published in The Express Tribune, August 29th, 2018.
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