Varsities hold multiple events to mark August 14

Vice-chancellors advise youth to learn lessons from life of Quaid-i-Azam

Karachiites, young and old, celebrated Independence Day with much zeal and zest across the city. PHOTO: AFP

Several varsities and other educational institutes held events on Tuesday to mark Independence Day.

A large gathering was held at the ground floor of the new administration building in University of Karachi (KU) to mark the national day. Speaking on the occasion, KU Vice-Chancellor (VC) Prof Dr Muhammad Ajmal Khan said strong nations celebrated their national days with grace. He added that Pakistan could be made a welfare state if Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah's vision was implemented.

KU is mini-Pakistan which represents every community of the country, the VC said, adding that students and teachers from every community and province were playing their roles in the varsity's development.

According to Dr Khan, Pakistan was founded as a result of sacrifices of millions of Muslims of the Subcontinent. He called for unity in our ranks to eradicate the menace of terrorism from the country.

Highlighting the contributions of KU in the country's development, the VC said the varsity had produced several scientists and scholars of international repute in every field. "As teachers, employees and students, we have a great responsibility to work for the prosperity and well-being of our motherland," Dr Khan said. He also urged the need for excelling in science and technology.

Earlier, the VC hoisted the national flag in the presence of hundreds of students, faculty members and employees of the varsity.

The celebrations at KU also featured national songs that were presented by renowned singers and bands including the Sounds of Kolachi, Braadri Broadcast, Taimur Junaid Jamshed, Zoe Viccaji and others.

Speaking on the occasion, former Higher Education Commission chairperson Prof Dr Attaur Rahman said we must value and preserve our freedom and work for the country's development. "We need to progress in science and technology. Population of Singapore is 5.5 million which is only one quarter of Karachi's but its exports are $330 billion while Pakistan's total exports are $158 billion which is ironic," he said.

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Another programme titled 'Main Hoon Pakistan' was organised by the arts and social sciences faculty in which various bands performed and prizes were distributed among students.

A poster exhibition on a theme, 'Mera Pakistan', was organised by the Centre of Excellence for Women's Studies to celebrate August 14. The exhibition showcased flags, badges, postcards, envelopes and stamps.


Celebrations at IBA

The Institute of Business Administration (IBA) Karachi celebrated Independence Day at its main campus located within the premises of KU.

A large number of faculty members, staff, students, alumni and their families gathered in the campus where the celebrations began with the recitation of Holy Quran that was followed by hoisting of national flag by IBA Executive Director Dr Farrukh Iqbal.

Addressing the ceremony, Dr Iqbal said societies that stood united and upheld values of tolerance and sympathy gave birth to healthy communities. He also appreciated the participants who came to attend the event in a large number.

The campus was adorned with flags and reverberated with patriotic songs sung by the participants who were wearing traditional colours for the day. Prayers were offered for the country's prosperity and for those who made sacrifices during Partition as well as in the ongoing war against terrorism.

Later, a tree plantation activity was conducted at the campus where more than 40 trees were planted to help make IBA the greenest campus in the country and contribute towards a healthy and clean environment.

After the plantation, a cake-cutting ceremony was held at the Alumni Student Centre. The celebrations concluded with a cricket match that was played by the IBA faculty and staff.


SSUET programmes

Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology (SSUET) celebrated the 71st birth anniversary of the country with fervour. Tributes were paid to people who sacrificed their lives during the struggle for an independent homeland.

Addressing a ceremony, SSUET Chancellor Jawaid Anwar said the nation was celebrating Independence Day with patriotic zeal. He advised people to learn from actions and characters of our national heroes and try to follow their footsteps. "Nations face ups and down but only those nations emerge [successful] who are laced with patriotic feelings and work with consistency," Anwar said.

"Sir Syed Ahmed Khan initiated the Aligarh Movement for Muslims of the Subcontinent to make them aware of the importance of scientific education and established Muhammadan Anglo Oriental College in 1875 which is now Aligarh Muslim University," he said, eulogising Sir Syed after whom the SSUET has been named.

"His system of education was based on character building, tolerance and coexistence that make students a role model. Today we again need these characteristics in our system of education for nation's reconstruction which can make students a role model," the chancellor said.

According to Anwar, youth were the backbone of any society and without involving them in development projects, sustainable results might not be achieved. He announced that SSUET was establishing the Sir Syed Institute for Youth Development and Research for grooming youth on national level. "Youth may bring change in society with their high morals and positive attitudes," he remarked.

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SSUET VC Prof Dr Afzal Haq called for inculcating the spirit of true patriotism to make Pakistan unbeatable. He paid rich tributes to the founding fathers of the country for their struggle for democracy and independence. Dr Haq underscored the need for translating Quaid-e-Azam's motto of unity, faith and discipline into reality.

Earlier, the SSUET chancellor hoisted the national flag at a ceremony where students raised chants of "Pakistan Zindabad". The varsity also held a cultural programme in which students enthralled audience with national songs.

SMIU festivities

Like other varsities, students and faculty members of Sindh Madressatul Islam University (SMIU) celebrated Independence Day with enthusiasm.

Three events were held at SMIU to mark the day. All historic buildings of the 133-year-old institution were decorated with national flags, while students were also clad in colourful attire.

SMIU VC Dr Muhammad Ali Shaikh hoisted the national flag and prayers were offered for prosperity of the country and its people.

Singing and speech competitions were also held at the Sir Shahnawaz Bhutto Auditorium. Various groups of the students participated in a dialogue about the past, present and future of the country.

In his address, Dr Shaikh called for resolving to end gender and all other forms of discrimination, ethnic biases and poverty. He stressed the need for creating a just society where all citizens were equal, as Quaid-i-Azam had envisioned.

It was not an easy task to get independence from British rulers, however, it was the leadership of Quaid-i-Azam and other leaders which enabled the foundation of our homeland, the SMIU VC said, adding that it was now the responsibility of people of Pakistan to make it a prosperous and developed country.

According to Dr Shaikh, August 14 was the happiest day for SMIU as the father of nation and other leaders of the Pakistan Movement had received their education from the institution.

The VC asked youth to learn from the life, ideology and struggle of Quaid-i-Azam, who never used abusive language against any one in his entire life. "Even when his opponents were leveling false allegations against him, he used most civilised language for them," Dr Shaikh said, adding the youth had to only follow the ideals of the founder of Pakistan to make Pakistan a modern and developed state.

At the end of the event, Dr Shaikh gave away prizes to the winners. Prof Dr Zahid Ali Channar and Prof Dr Syed Asif Ali also spoke on the occasion.

Another programme at SMIU was organised by students of SMIU Model School. Schoolchildren of alma mater of Quaid-i-Azam earned applause as they marvelously performed on tableaus and national songs.

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Lauding performance of the schoolchildren, Dr Shaikh announced a cash prize of Rs2,000 for each participant and Rs10,000 for teachers who prepared and guided them.


Jinnah Sindh Medical University (JSMU) students and faculty also observed Independence Day with passion.

JSMU students presented plays, national songs and debates and held a talk on Kashmir among other activities to celebrate the day.

Addressing a ceremony JSMU Vice-Chancellor Prof Dr SM Tariq Rafi said it was important for future doctors to remember sacrifices of their elders.
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