Mengal sets two stipulations for becoming part of coalition govt

Says concerns are recovery of missing persons, adding Balochistan to list of major development projects under CPEC

The PTI has been apprised of Balochistan's issues, the BNP-M chief says. PHOTO: ONLINE

Balochistan National Party-Mengal (BNP-M) leader Mohammad Akhtar Mengal has set two stipulations for becoming a part of forming governments at the Centre and the province.
The two issues are – recovery of missing persons and declaring Balochistan as the major beneficiary in the development projects being carried out under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

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Moreover, he has also refused to meet Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf Chairman Imran Khan at Bani Gala, saying if a meeting was desired in this regard, Imran could meet him at the Balochistan House.
Talking to the media outside Balochistan House on Thursday, Mengal said their party could not support any nominee blindly for the Chief Minister Office. PTI seeks the assistance of the BNP-M in formation of government at the Centre.

Talking to newsmen following a meeting with a delegation of PTI, comprising Yar Muhammad Rind and Naeemul Haq, that called on him at Balochistan House, Mengal expressed his gratitude towards PTI for their invitation to become a part of the coalition government at the Centre, adding that he had put forth the issues of Balochistan before the delegation of PTI which included safe recovery of missing persons and reservations over CPEC.

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He was of the view that the number of missing persons had increased.
According to BNP-M sources, Mengal has demanded of PTI chairman to either make Rind the next chief minister of Balochistan or give him the authority to decide for himself.

With regard to formation of government, he said that the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl was their ally and a decision to join the coalition or sit on the opposition benches would be made after mutual consultation.

Meanwhile, former MPA Sardar Saleh Muhammad Bhootani said all the allied parties would be taken onboard before taking a final decision so a pro-masses government would be formed in a highly sensitive province.

Talking to the media here, he said, “Balochistan needs a lot of attention as the masses have pinned countless hopes on the new government. Such a government should be formed which is aware of the masses’ issues.”

In yet another development for formation of government, Balochistan Awami Party (BAP) President Jam Kamal called on BNP-M. Kamal said meeting other political parties is political culture.”

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He said their meeting with Mengal was positive as they have their own political stance over the issues of Balochistan which “is their strength”.

He said BAP was a progressive party and “it is also positive to note that at the Centre, PTI has acquired a majority of seats which holds a positive view about the solution of problems of the county”.

He said if there was a will towards solution of the problems there was no reason why such problems would not be resolved as raised by “Sardar Sahab and seriousness is a must for them”.

“It is the responsibility of the political stalwarts of Balochistan to work for the resolution of these problems,” said Kamal, adding that the BNP-M had planned to discuss the matter with their parliamentary committees in Quetta for taking on board their ally JUI-F.

Talking to newsmen, Mengal said as far as becoming part of the government alliance was concerned, he had told Kamal that the BNP-M had an alliance with JUI-F in Balochistan and any decision in this regard would be taken following consultation with JUI.

“We have handed them over a booklet along with a list of missing persons and now it also falls within the ambit of their responsibilities to resolve the issues of Balochistan, be it missing persons or the CPEC,” Mengal concluded.
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