Teenager killed in Lahore 'cross-fire' incident

Police claim victim died in exchange of fire, witnesses say police opened fire

One killed another injured in firing incident. PHOTO: EXPRESS

A teenager was killed and one other injured in a 'cross-fire' incident involving Dolphin Force in Lahore on Tuesday.

Saleem (14) was killed and Atif (25) was injured when police officials opened fire at a car, eye witnesses said.

However, SP Nadeem Khokhar claimed that the police officials had signaled vehicle with five men inside to stop. He added that the men attempted to drive away from the spot and opened fire at the police. Saleem and Atif were victims of cross-fire, maintained SP Khokhar.

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Following the death of the 14-year-old, the victim’s family staged a protest at Badami Bagh on Ring Road.
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