Japan to help add 30 beds to PIMS  

The hospital will also set up three new operation theatres in the Children’s Hospital and MCH


The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) will provide financial assistance to the Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS) to set up a 16-bed neonatology intensive care unit (ICU), a four-bed maternal-fetal intensive care unit and a 10-bed high dependency unit. According to PIMS spokesperson, the hospital will also set up three new operation theatres in the Children’s Hospital and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Centre.

Moreover, a new clinical laboratory of haematology, biochemistry, and serology for intra-operative inpatient and emergency cases will be built. He said that there will be new facilities for minor treatment unit and examination room, new facility and equipment for 40 children and 40 MCH beds, equipment for histopathology and microbiology and equipment for the emergency delivery room, ICU and operation theatre etc. The official said that the JICA will assist in establishing operation theatres for endoscopic and laparoscopic surgeries at MCH Centre, new operation theatres for surgeries at the Children Hospital and new wards for MCH Centre.


Published in The Express Tribune, May 21st, 2018.

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