Merkel, Trump call for Syrian ceasefire to be implemented

Putin's latest remarks about arms developments has sparked concern

A wounded Syrian girl receives treatment at a makeshift hospital following reported air strikes on the rebel-held besieged town of Douma in Eastern Ghouta PHOTO: AFP

US President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed in a telephone call on Thursday that a UN Security Council resolution calling for a 30-day ceasefire in Syria must be implemented immediately.

In Syria's Ghouta, rescuers keep finding bodies

"Both agreed that the Syrian regime and its Russian and
Iranian allies should promptly and fully implement UN Security
Council Resolution 2401 (2018). This resolution demands an

immediate ceasefire in Syria," Merkel's spokesman said on

UN officials voice frustration over lack of cease-fire in Syria

"The chancellor and the president are also concerned about
Russian President Putin's latest remarks about arms developments
and their negative impact on international arms control
efforts," spokesman Steffen Seibert added in a statement.
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