I miss Facebook but…

Getting bored at work? Have nothing to do? Feeling out-of-touch with the rest of the world? Join the group because you are going through Facebook withdrawal symptoms. Being away from it has got me mulling over the idea of having a Facebook account. Isn’t it simply useless?

Surely, technology has evolved and it is understandable that we all like following the most up-to-date methods of staying in touch with friends and family – in days when writing letters, emails and chatting via MSN are all so passé – it is now more aplomb to write on people’s ‘walls’. But the truth is that we all do more than just that. Let me confess, I am guilty. I am guilty of wasting time stalking other people. And aren’t we all?

Don’t you think life without the ‘Banbook’ has become much simpler? While at college, I once updated my status to: “If I fail my finals, it will be Facebook’s fault!” Although I didn’t flunk any exams, I’m sure all that time I squandered over this website could have been spent taking a relaxing stroll on the greens to release exam stress. To give the devil its due though, the ban is actually a blessing in disguise for all, particularly in terms of time-management. Now, I don’t have to uselessly follow other people’s lives and be on top of unnecessary details like who got engaged this summer? Or, how many friends I have in common with an acquaintance?

I miss Facebook, but now I have become more productive and on time for all deadlines at work. I also have a lot more time to myself – to spend with family and outdoors — which otherwise would have been gobbled-up looking up some distant relative’s summer vacation photos. I agree that the networking site is a good way of looking up old friends, staying in touch with those abroad, and promote noble causes, it is also a major distraction, an addiction, and a meaningless way of social interaction.

Published in the Express Tribune, May 27th, 2010.

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