5 exercises you can do while watching TV

Number 3 is a piece of cake!


Sometimes your heart asks you to choose between going to the gym, and rushing home to watch your latest Netflix addiction. Fret no more!

Compiled from Reader’s Digest, fitness experts Rachel Fieldman and Tosca Reno reveal a list of five workout moves that they love doing at home and this is their attempt to teach us the right way to workout while multitasking.

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1. Rebounding


"My favourite exercise to do in front of the TV is rebounding," says Tosca Reno, founder of the Eat Clean Revolution. "This involves jumping on a small trampoline, alternating small jumps from center to side to side and moving your arms however you like to the rhythm of your bounces while working up a sweat."

Make sure to keep your back and shoulders straight to avoid lower back pains and strains. "The benefits of rebounding include boosting the immune system, firing up the cardiovascular system, increasing balance and coordination and lowering resting heart rate.

2. Planks


Planks, which work out your core along with your entire body, are easy to sneak in during the credits of your favourite TV show. Place your hands directly under your shoulders, keep your spine straight and look at the floor directly in front of you.

(If this is too tough, try in on your elbows.) Hold for 15 to 20 seconds for three to five sets, gradually working up to holding the plank for three minutes.

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3. Squats


When done correctly, squats are the perfect exercises for toning your glutes and quads. "If you are new to exercise, try holding on to the back of a chair for balance and to help you maintain perfect form," suggests Tosca.

"Once you feel strong enough and sure of your form—you can let go and depend on your own body's stabilising muscles to execute the move." Do a set of ten squats for three to four sets at a time. Don't have time to work out during your nine to five hustle

4. Shoulder presses


Focusing on your muscles while working out in front of the television is key to getting a good workout. "Thinking your way through the move enhances your efficiency and ensures proper form when doing shoulder presses with light dumbbells at home," Tosca explains.

"With a dumbbell in each hand, raise the weights at shoulder height and then lift upwards (the dumbbell should be directly over your shoulders to engage the muscles correctly, not out in front or behind you)." Repeat the move eight to ten times for three to five sets.

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5. Flat backs


A crowded gym isn't always the ideal place for getting pumped after a long day. If you had to hurry home, you can loosen and stretch your limbs with a move called the flat back. "At home, you can do it sitting on the floor with your legs outstretched in front of your hips, your arms extended straight out ahead of you with fingertips on the floor, (they'll end up being in line with your knees).

While maintaining a flat back, hinge forward from your hips, pushing your upper body weight forward while pulling your abs back, exhale drawing your abs toward your spine and your pelvic floor up." You can then alternate lifting your legs a few centimeters off the floor without leaning back.

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