This photo summing up what America really represents is going viral

'This is my America: people letting people be people'


With the rise in hate speech and crime in the USA, many in the country are concerned for their safety. However, America is known for its diversity and is home to immigrants of all races and religions.

Jackie Summers, a model and Taoist, captured the diversity of his country on a busy Easter Sunday in New York.

Traveling in the subway, Summers stood to his feet so a couple could sit together. However, it was when he stood up that he noticed the diversity of his country. In a picture that is now going viral, we can see an orthodox Jewish couple sitting next to a Muslim woman who is bottle-feeding her baby.

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“A Taoist (me) gives up his seat so a Hasidic couple could sit together. They scoot over so a Muslim mother could sit and nurse her baby, on Easter Sunday,” Summers captioned his picture, which he posted on Facebook.

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“This is my America: people letting people be people", he added.

Speaking to The Independent, Summers said the moment had been very ordinary. "I did not think about giving up my seat for the couple; the couple did not think about moving along to make room for the mother with her child," he said.

"We live in a time when race, sexuality and religion have become divisive...But we have more important things to worry about than the colour of someone's skin, or how they worship God."

His post was shared over 50,000 times on Facebook and he received a lot of positive comments.

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“THIS is what makes America great and these days I’ve been struggling to find ways to feel good about America. We, the people...Thank you for restoring a little of my faith in humanity today.” wrote Lisa Smith Zwart.

This story originally appeared on The Independent.

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