Training the trainers: Two-week workshop held for investigation officers, prosecutors

NAB chief says bureau recognises centrality of training as a tool for improvement, maintaining quality of its manpower


An elaborate annual training programme for various officers of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) for 2017 has been approved by the bureau’s chief.

According to a statement released on Saturday, the approval came in a meeting to review work by the Training and Research (T&R) Division of NAB.

During the meeting, the T&R Division director general revealed that as many as 18 investigation officers and seven prosecutors from different regional bureaus of NAB were trained at the headquarters during a recent two-week-long training at the bureau’s headquarters in Islamabad.

At the completion of the training, a written test was also conducted.

These officers, the DG said, would now go on to train officials at their respective regional bureaus.

2016 performance recap

Providing a review of the training activities conducted by the department in 2016, the DG told NAB Chairman Qamar Zaman Chaudhry that four refresher courses of two-weeks each were held for investigators and case officers in which 529 officials received training.

Further, two refresher courses of two-weeks each were held which were attended by 67 prosecutors of the bureau.

Moreover, three Inter-Regional Training were conducted in 2016, each a week long, in which 87 officers and investigators were trained. In addition, six capacity building courses for investigation and case officers were conducted, each two-days long. Further, 28 In-land training courses were held in collaboration with foreign agencies such as the Australian Federal Police, British High Commission, Asian Development Bank, ICITAP and OPDAT and the UNODC during 2016. As many as 125 NAB officers from regional bureaus attended these courses.

Separately, 21 training courses were offered to 62 NAB officials by academies of other law enforcement agencies and government departments.

Apart from training investigators and prosecutors, the DG said, 42 pieces of training were held for its secretaries, managerial and administrative staff from local training institutes such as Secretariat Training Institute, Islamabad and the Pakistan Manpower Institute in which 87 officials participated.

Planning for 2017

For 2017, T&R Division DG said that they had prepared a plan in light of feedback and input from experts from other law enforcing agencies.

He said that course contents of pieces of training devised by the division had been revised and improved while they had planned refresher courses for investigation officer’s as well for this year. He added that these courses will last two-weeks each but would operate on a part-time basis to ensure 100 per cent participation of officials and minimise the disturbance to investigation routine.

The DG added that during 2017, NAB had planned seven capacity building courses, four staff development courses for officials. Furthermore, IT training and courses on understanding the workings of the Monitoring and Evaluation System (MES) have been added to this year’s training plan.

NAB chief subsequently approved the training programme. Noting that NAB was an apex anti-corruption organisation of the country, Chaudhry said that they require an extremely dedicated and highly trained manpower to help root out corruption. He added that NAB attaches great importance to developing its human resource. In this regard, he hoped that the comprehensive yearly training plan for 2017 would ensure continued professional development of its officers and prosecutors.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 5th, 2017.
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