The foods you should avoid while dining out

Chefs usually avoid certain dishes because they know how kitchen work


From mussels to meatloaf, a number of prominent chefs in the industry have revealed the foods they refuse to eat while dining out.

While some attribute their reasoning to ethical concerns, chefs also avoid certain dishes because they know how kitchens work or just because certain food items make the hair behind their neck stand.

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Silvia Baldini and private chefs from La Belle Assiette cooking service were asked about the things they refused to eat in restaurants and the underrated foods people should try instead.

New York-based chef and winner of Food Network's Chopped, Silvia Baldini revealed that she always abstains from the special of the day. She explained that chefs have a way to reuse leftovers and the least fresh ingredients in the specials. She also disclosed that she would only eat mussels or shellfish if she knew the chef personally. So unless you're at a reputable restaurant where you know the mussels will be cooked properly, avoid where possible.


Sauces, including mayo and hollandaise, should also be avoided at the end of the week. The sauces are refrigerated the whole week so it's advisable to eat them on a Monday rather than on a Saturday. A filthy bathroom is also an indicator of an unhygienic restaurant. If a restaurant can not keep its bathroom clean then it can't be trusted to keep the kitchen clean either.

Alternatively, Baldini opts for broccoli and Brussels Sprouts which are good if they are cooked well.

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David Tanner, a North East England-based chef, has been in the industry for eight years. Despite using bananas in his desserts, he refuses to eat them at all costs. On ethical grounds, Tanner refuses to eat or use cashew nuts. The conditions under which workers are made to extract the nuts from its poisonous shell are horrific and should not be supported. Instead, he loves to use Tonka beans which have an amazing flavour when infused in creams and sauces.


North west London chef, Rosie Llewellyn, has been a chef for about four years and avoids all processed foods where possible. She also encourages going for cheaper cuts of meat which are usually the tastiest.

James Howe, based in Norfolk has been a chef for a decade and says he would never eat foie gras owing to the unethical way in which it is made. Instead, he suggests Scarborough woof, an underrated fish and a cheap alternative to cod.


And finally, Paul Fielding, who has been a chef for 36 years. He refuses to eat offal, the entrails and internal organs of an animal used as food, of any kind. Instead, he prefers the neck loin of lamb which according to him is the most underrated piece of meat. It's cheap, easy to cook and has an incredible flavour.

This article originally appeared on Independent.
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