Crackdown against violators: Karachi traffic police go on challan spree

30,000 challans issued by District East traffic cops in last 24 days


The traffic police of Karachi seem to be on a challan spree these days as 30,000 traffic violators were challaned by the cops in District East alone in the last 24 days.

According to East Traffic SP Erum Awan, the police have penalised violators through 60,463 challans in the District East from January till date. Apart from this, she said, they have impounded 10,008 vehicles and arrested 1,712 drivers for violating traffic rules.

She added that fitness certificates of around 65 vehicles have been suspended while 4,513 challans were issued for violating Motor Vehicles Ordinance. For the violation of one-way traffic, the police issued 4,513 challans, Awan said.

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More than 12,000 motorcyclists were challaned for not wearing helmets, she said. She added that 1,226 were challaned for not using seatbelts and 7,989 challans were issued for lane jumping. According to Awan, 519 challans were issued against juvenile drivers and 318 were challaned for speeding.

Other than this, 345 drivers were challaned for breaking traffic signal, 513 for overloading and 95 challans against vehicles with applied for registration number plates. The police challaned 213 drivers for not presenting a fitness certificate, she said, adding that 97 challans were issued against those who were driving without a licence.

Talking to The Express Tribune, Awan said that due to the campaign, drivers of public buses have started avoiding routes where traffic police are deployed. "We are making sure that no vehicle is parked on footpaths," she said, adding that tankers and public buses are continuously monitored by the traffic police.
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