Kashmir Day

Our focus needs to be changed to project the problems and miseries of the Kashmiris to the world

Our focus needs to be changed to project the problems and miseries of the Kashmiris to the world. PHOTO: AFP

February 5 is observed every year to show solidarity with the people of Kashmir. The way it is done leaves much to question about. Banners and posters are displayed around Islamabad and in other major cities, small rallies are organised, seminars held, supplements published and above all, business closed. Who is the target audience? Who is being impressed or educated? The Pakistanis are already motivated towards the Kashmir cause. Our focus needs to be changed to project the problems and miseries of the Kashmiris to the world. The entire expenditure of domestic functions should be concentrated to buy five or ten minutes of airtime on major international channels to project the case to international audiences, which would be a prudent exercise.

Haroon Sikandar Pasha

Published in The Express Tribune, February 5th, 2017.

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