Instagram testing photo albums

Feature allows you to select up to 10 photos and videos to combine into a single post

A most popular Instagram page is displayed on a mobile device screen in Pasadena, California August 14, 2013. PHOTO: REUTERS

Instagram is becoming more and more like Facebook with each passing day.

The photo-sharing app is testing a new feature that allows you to share multiple photos and/or videos in a single post.

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The feature, which is essentially photo albums, is currently being tested in the beta version of its Android app. It allows you to select up to 10 photos and videos to combine into a single post.


We aren’t sure, what the final post will look like in terms of layout as the beta version of the app doesn’t allow you to actually share such a post.

To select multiple photos, simply hold down on a photo which will give you the option to select additional photos or videos.

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Instagram’s one image post placed greater emphasis on choosing the best photo and presenting it in the best way possible. With this change, however, the focus may change going against the editing aspect of the app.

Instagram declined to comment on the feature, but the change seems to be on the cards given the number of changes Instagram has made recently such as Stories, live video and ephemeral along with Snapchat-like messaging.

This article originally appeared on Mashable.

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