Toss up: Hassan Iqbal Rizvi And Saad Shahid of 9lines

We play a round of Toss Up with the dynamic duo behind 9Lines — Hassan Iqbal Rizvi and Saad Shahid

We play a round of Toss Up with the dynamic duo behind 9Lines — Hassan Iqbal Rizvi and Saad Shahid. From their first celebrity crush to the best thing about their hometown, we throw the quirkiest questions their way and they answer with ample fire

What do you think is your best piece of work?

Hassan: The question should have been directed to my parents and the answer would have been me!

Saad: I am my best piece of work. Growing up as 9Lines has grown has been quite nourishing.

Pick two alternate careers and why?

Hassan: A painter. I could’ve pursued my painting career but I chose to never sell my art. Or a DJ — I can bring the house down and get people going.

Saad: I would have been the Editor-in-Chief of a fashion magazine, but for that I had to have been born in Paris. I also have a secret passion for singing so maybe, a bonfire superstar.

What excuses have you made to get out of work?

Hassan: Well I can’t give away my tactics! Though honestly I haven’t made any excuses, really.

Saad: Believe me or not, I’ve never made an excuse to get out of work.

If you were an animal, which one would you be?

Hassan: A cat. I would sleep all day, live rent free, and be worshipped by the Internet.

Saad: An owl. I would sleep all day and party all night.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

Hassan: Victoria Adams also known as Posh Spice. It’s not weird, she’s still fine as ever.

Saad: The dhak dhak girl, Madhuri Dixit.

If you could meet anyone dead or alive who would it be and what would you say to them?

Hassan: Qandeel Baloch. I would say, please move to another country. May she rest in peace.

Saad: Leonardo da Vinci. I would ask him whether the rumour about him is true or not.

What is an item of clothing that has been in your closet the longest?

Hassan: I still wear a shirt I got in sixth grade. I’m almost 28 now.

Saad: My Italian long boots. Perfectly handcrafted and embroidered, and bought at an auction in London in 2002.

What is your favourite painting?

Hassan: ‘Shot Marilyns’ by Andy Warhol.

Saad: ‘Saturn Devouring His Son’ by Francisco Goya.

What is the best thing about living in Lahore?

Hassan: Ask any Lahori and they’ll tell you that there’s no better place for food in Pakistan than Lahore. Also, there is no MQM!

Saad: Lahore is personal. I am Lahore.

One emerging talent we should watch out for?

Hassan: Zainab Malik. She’s an eclectic stylist with no shortage of enthusiasm.

Saad: Haseeb Khan. I see a great deal of myself in him.

Who is the last person you texted?

Hassan: I just experienced a horrifying earthquake so I group texted my friends asking about their safety. It was intense!

Saad: Hassan Iqbal Rizvi, asking him to finish his part of the interview.

What was the last picture you took on your phone?

Hassan: A group selfie at lunch with friends.

Saad: An old woman sitting by the canal bank smoking a cigarette in the drizzle.

What are three things that nobody knows about you?

Hassan: I’m a really good cook, I like to sleep with the light on and I’ve never seen any of the Harry Potter movies.

Saad: My wardrobe is not just organised, it is colour coded, and even my accessories have their own designated space. I keep a log of what I wear at work so that I don’t end up repeating clothes, and if you want to win me over, bring me warm Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

Hassan: Immortality.

Saad: Mind control over women.
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