One killed in fresh Kashmir clashes

Authorities in the restive region had imposed a partial curfew after separatist leaders called for a general strike



The death toll in clashes between angry residents and police in Indian Kashmir rose to four after another protester was killed on Wednesday.

Local police superintendent Aijaz Ahmed said a young man died of injuries sustained when a tear gas canister hit his head during the unrest in the frontier town of Kupwara.

It came a day after three people died when the Indian army fired into a crowd incensed by the alleged molestation of a girl by a soldier.

Authorities in the restive region had imposed a partial curfew after separatist leaders called for a general strike over Tuesday’s deaths of two civilian protesters and a woman working in a nearby field who was hit by a stray bullet.

The soldiers opened fire Tuesday when protesters stormed an army bunker and set it on fire in the northern town of Handwara protesting an alleged assault on a local girl by a soldier.

“We imposed restrictions in the old town of Srinagar and in Handwara to prevent violence,” said director general of police K Rajendra after groups of residents took to the streets of Handwara on Wednesday after the woman was buried.

Published in The Express Tribune, April 14th,  2016.
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