Rangers alerts against RAW assets in Sindh

Agencies have arrested criminals who received training in India



The Sindh Rangers has credible information on criminals and terrorists working for India’s premier spy agency in Karachi and other parts of the province, the chief of the paramilitary force said on Wednesday.

Rangers Director General Maj Gen Bilal Akbar made the revelation while briefing a meeting chaired by Sindh Chief Minister Qaim Ali Shah in Karachi.

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The meeting was informed that the agencies had arrested a number of criminals in Karachi who received training in India. And Kulbhushan Yadav, an agent of the Research and Analysis Wing who was arrested in Balochistan last week, may have operated in the city through them.

Following the revelation, Chief Minister Shah directed concerned agencies to continue efforts along those lines and crush any RAW network operating in Karachi or other parts of Sindh.

“Pakistan is passing through a very sensitive phase after the arrest of the RAW agent in Balochistan, and his disclosure that more agents were operating in Karachi. Necessary measures must be taken against them,” he said.

The chief minister ordered strengthening of the intelligence network in Sindh and ensuring proper vigilance around public places such as markets and parks. “Lahore-like attacks on soft targets must be avoided through intelligence-sharing and expanding CCTV coverage,” he said.

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Meanwhile, intelligence agencies warned that terrorists fleeing the operation in Rajanpur district of Punjab might enter the katcha area of Sindh, and recommended sealing the border with Punjab. On this, the chief minister directed that the chief secretary and the police chief coordinate with Punjab and share necessary information with the authorities there.

Chief Minister Shah also pointed out that kidnapping incidents had started to emerge again and that street crime, though it has gone down, has yet to be properly addressed. Sindh IGP AD Khawaja in response said his department had a zero tolerance policy for kidnappings. The Rangers DG briefed the meeting on the ongoing operation against terrorists in Karachi as well.

Published in The Express Tribune, March 31st,  2016.

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