Afghanistan to raise 7,000-member security force for TAPI project

The $10-billion pipeline will supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India


Afghanistan has said it will raise a staggering 7,000-member security force to guard the TAPI gas pipeline project, Radio Pakistan reported.

Afghan Mines and Petroleum Minister Daud Shah Saba told the country's Upper House of Parliament that the force will provide security during the implementation of the project and demining the route of the pipeline.

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"The procurement process for demining will be completed next month and practical work on clearing of the pipeline passage would commence in April," he added.

The $10-billion pipeline will supply gas to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. The pipeline will bring gas from energy-rich Turkmenistan and has been dubbed as a major initiative that will bring peace in the region by connecting South Asia with Central Asia and Europe.

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With the growth in the demand for gas, growing to over six billion cubic feet per day (cfd) and depleting hydrocarbon resources, the government has included the TAPI pipeline as part of its multi-pronged strategy to ease Pakistan's energy crisis.
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